Built in a day
Rome was not built in a day, as they say, but I'm looking forward to building some great affiliate marketing ideas to supplement my income! I have so many niche ideas swirling through my head, and as I'm (im)patiently getting throug the training videos and tasks, I get more excited to continue. It's like getting entrenched in a really good book that you can't put down and end up staying up to read until 4am, just to see what happens next! It is well after midnight however, and 6am and my day job are fast approaching, so I must call it a night. Perhaps the ideal niche will come to me in my dreams tonight. After all, the Colloseum began as a thought, an idea...even a dream, before it became reality!
Recent Comments
Well said, Stacie. The best niche will be the one that you are passionate about.
All the best to you.
Well said your niches should reflect something interesting in your life