Reading Quote Discovery


I just started reading The Four Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss thanks to the suggestion of my Cousin and in the first pages alone I'm hooked. The book touches on my of my very feelings and thoughts. I find myself relating to the author in every word I read and my only regret is that I didn't discover The Four Workweek sooner!

I just want to share some quotes within the book every so often and here goes the first. Let me know what you think in the comments... Learn, Express, Grow!

"Most people, my past self included, have spent too much time convincing themselves that life has to be hard, resignation to 9-to-5 drudgery in exchange for relaxing weekends and the occasional keep-it-short-or-get-fired vacation." - Timothy Ferriss | The Four Hour Workweek

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That is a great book and if nothing else it makes you stop and think about what you have convinced yourself of that is not true.

Well said...

I never heard of this book, Salvatore, but it sounds like one that I'll have to add to my collection.

The beginning of last year, I gave myself of a 2-book a month reading challenge. Although I absolutely love to read, I found that I had gotten a bit lazy, so I decided to step up my game.

There were a few months when it got a bit tight, but I managed to stay committed to the challenge the whole year! I'll be continuing it for this year, but there may be a few months when I read 3 books. As long as my eyes can see and my mind can comprehend words, I will read.

No need to feel regret, because you have no way of knowing if your mind would have been ready to receive all the knowledge it's sharing, had you discovered the book sooner.

Looking forward to more treats!

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