What will YOU do to Pay-it-Forward today?
What will YOU do to #payitforward today?
Pay for someone’s cup of coffee, perhaps?
Pay for someone's lunch, perhaps?
Get the next person’s groceries when you do your grocery shop, perhaps?
Get the next person’s toll, perhaps?
Get the next person’s petrol, perhaps?
Get the next person's train or bus ticket, perhaps?
Do you have any other ideas?
“Be the change you want to see in the world.” Ghandi
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I saw a man and his dog sitting on the street, looking very homeless. I went to the pet store and bought a 40lb bag of dog food and to the grocery store, bought some staples and then topped it off with a hot meal.
It is awesome to be able to help someone out like that, help them with the opportunity to pursue their dreams. I feel that its NO ONE'S fault to be born in the environment they were born in, but has no one to blame but themselves if they don't use all the tools and opportunity given to them to change their own outcome.
I bought a friends lunch today and she it felt good because her husband is very ill and she is struggling with life.
I didn't give anyone any money today. I don't think paying it forward always consist of money. But, I did call the hospital on behalf of an 82-year old lady who did not understand whey she was being billed for a service that was supposed to be covered. The bill was for $928.00. I got it knocked down to "$0.00. Nada. Nothing." It was a mistake in a billing error. It was coded wrong. (I was in billing and insurance for 4 years). The sad part was she was going to start making payments on it. :)
GREAT point Sherion. It doesn't have to be monetary thing. Good for you, what a wonderful thing you have done!!
I have paid for a person at a grocery store once.......they were not buying a lot but I had the money and just thought why not. We should all help each other more, unconditionally. A great side effect of doing this is the feeling it gives you. :)
Your Ghandi quote is one of my favorites. It helped me to change my thinking from "Why is the world like this?" to "Each person can help change the world for the better little by little."
I sponsored a friends tuition fee's (enrollment) for school. I didn't want her to put it on hold any longer so I sponsored it. ;)
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How about a big smile to someone who looks like they need it? Chat with them for a few minutes of your spare time & encourage them in the Lord. Don't forget to tell them that G-d loves them with an everlasting love & that you do too!
Yes, people often underestimate the power of simply connecting with another human being, or animal even :)