The Journey so far !

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Hey WA Team :

So i want to paint a picture for you all, I have been dipping my toes in the water of affiliate marketing for over the last 10 years now, I'll be honest that 10 years was a nightmare that's right a nightmare so bad i had to say it twice. LOL

I have spent a lot of money on trying to sell products that people don't want or didn't need. I did sell two of them for years one in gold and one in health products as i told myself tomorrow will be a new day,

But i was stuck in that never ending game. The " MLM" Multi Level Marketing stuff i was pushing to building a down line to make my nut for that month and boy oh boy was that a hard one for me.

Only having their landing page to work from to give out my link to my referrals by text and email, Is how i did it back then or setting up home parties ill be honest i didn't even want to be there either.

So as the years passed i felt like this .


All of my posts on this website do contain affiliate links. They will lead you to other blogs as well as a sign up for an affiliate marketing platform if your are interested in building a online income this blog, will help you do just that and there is no additional cost to you to explore these links

So fast forward to 2024 that's when i found WA. Somehow I'll get into that in the next part!


So Wealthy Affiliate

well to be honest i have no clue whose link i followed to WA.

But i'm sure they're happy that i did,

I started with the free week and it was interesting to say the less still unsure on what i was embarking on here,

Then i tried the Premium pack was cheap enough to try it for about two months as i was already building and was not letting the work i did go to waste. But then i wanted to get deeper in the platform to see what it really had to offer.

Now i'm a Premium Plus member. I watched all the videos when i started and I'll tell you the videos with Kyle that i have watch truly has gotten me where I am today.

So you see i had no clue on what all this was and i'm just a normal family man trying to make money online. Not that great on the computer side of things but learning day by day.

I'm now going on the 5 months with WA thing are going Okay i guess its a slow process that's for sure.

But I'm Okay with that . Helps me learn more too.

You know the videos are great on the platform for sure . But there are a lot of things you need to learn as you go as the videos only show how to build. But Google,Bing, can be a big pain i have been back and forth with them over the last 5 months. So i don't use them at all . To me that's just a waste of time . But that's just my opinion .

Now for Facebook and Instagram they work great for my one website and Honorable for my other one but ill explain that soon.

Facebook & Instagram

So When i first started i didn't even want to be promoting it on Facebook or Instagram Because there are too many haters out there with people trying to put you down when it comes to affiliate marketing. But i gave it a try anyways on both my websites ,


My Bigfoot website Wild Foot Myths :

is doing very well with almost 400 followers on Facebook and Instagram at 61 followers both getting me loads of engagement. It cost me nothing but all free traffic, I even started making small sales with amazon from this Facebook page sharing products that i like to buy . Which is a plus and that's what i was looking for so i'm just rolling with it to see where it can take me and writing the blogs are a blast!

But ...

My Affiliate Marketing page : Affiliate Sights Technology i built and put about 400 hours into creating the right content that shows and teaches about affiliate marketing , and showing people how i started with a free account.

Now this page i didn't promote anything but blogs about affiliate marketing and only links on the blogs leading to more blogs that funneled to WA sign up page.

I even did the paid ads for this page that i sent over 1200 people to engaged WA but only ended up with 4 people from that test run . here is that proof

Things were going great on Facebook ads i put out of pocket about $180.00 on these ads for the 5 months once the ads were done running and they charged my credit card . Facebook then took down the page and told me i was miss leading people .. It's just too funny.

I also had lots of problems with building logos and putting them on my facebook as i was being told by Facebook that all my stuff was copy write . And that made me laugh as i followed everything WA showed me to use Canvas hell i even pay $39 a month there but i cant use anything .

So that didn't stop me i then found an AI tool that i integrated into the canvas platform and then it blew up There were no more copy rights as i was building my own stuff but it was to late Facebook shut down that page now. So i changed my course and i tried Pinterest.


So now i just use Pinterest for the affiliate marketing stuff and facebook & instagram for the Bigfoot stuff and things are working out great. A bit more work on my end but getting great free results for sure. off the free platforms i find this bit slower but better.

In concussion

This is not a great rich fast thing and it takes a lot of time and dedication and a lot of money like any business will.

It's a wild journey and worth every min, and every penny i have built over 85 blogs so far and i will soon be hitting the 100 mark soon. Like i said i have done a lot in the affiliate marketing space and i have spent money made money but was never happy with what i was doing .

when i moved into the WA space i saw a new light in affiliate marketing It's all about building the right formula and that is what i'm working on today.

So staying with it. This is a great thing and will take time to bloom for you !

But i hope this helps anyone that has doubt and is struggling always look forward and believe in yourself. Tomorrow is always a new day to create great things.

I'm truly looking forward to seeing where this year will take me.

Wish you all the best success


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Certainly sounds like you have been on quite the journey Shawn!

All the very best moving forward my friend! :-)

Yes it has been a fun ride I wouldn't change a thing along the way all the paths i have taken have led me here and I couldn't be more happy
all the best to you, my friend thanks for taking the time to read my article

It's the journey and not the destination that counts Shawn and you're most welcome my friend! :-)

Thanks for sharing your journey, Shawn! It will encourage all those who read it!

Thanks for reading i hope it helps people out too . have a great day

Thanks, Shawn! You too!

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