A Fun way to push affiliate marketing

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Hey WA team ,

So i have been reading some of the live chats it's truly something , i will only chat if it's something i went through or if i can even help out then i'll chime-in. But now seeing that there are a lot of new members joining and a ton of senior members jumping in to lend a helping hand. I just think that is amazing. these awesome people are taking the time out of their day just to help with dealing with question like "where can i post my link" or "needing help with there back office or themes". even when there is a 24/7 support team and i have used them a few time was outstanding to say the less.

It's kinda like when a vampires is turning a human to the dark side to join it coven. Well guiding and teaching a newbie the ways of the land. Or an amazing werewolves pack. we turn them we teach them to repeat others lives.

So you all are starting to get to know who i'am if not Hi i'm Shawn the creator of Wild Foot Myths where i use my blogs to promote camping and hiking gear for Bigfoot research trips from Amazon. and yes i do believe and have done a few trips with some friends.but if you look deeper on my page i do have the affiliate stuff embedded on my site they come in and read stuff on Bigfoot , Mystical creatures but they get funneled to my affiliate site so i'm shooting for the starts on my site if i'm not making sale with the amazon stuff there is still an opportunity to still help someone sign up with WA.

So to birds one stone

with Thanks Giving & Halloween just around the corner i thought i would take the opportunity to build this post maybe it will help you maybe it wont But its always worth a try.

Okay let's get to it, A Fun way to push affiliate marketing October

is one of the special months out there we get to celebrate Thanksgiving "a time for family and friends to gather to share time together playing game and sharing stories" as well as Halloween its also a time for gathering and games and stories as well.

Now what does both these days tell us ?

These are days to celebrate with family and friends with sharing great foods ,enjoy great party's and my favorite amazing stories,

But as an affiliate marketer on these days we also make a bonus

It doesn't only give us that time we desire with the ones we love. it also give us that sound mind of peace. we also get to join in on Big money days where most people stress on these day for whats going out For that holiday.

As a new affiliate coming in to this new pond i'm filled with happiness and joy this is a time to share what we have to offer and help others in the process. And if you push hard enough in this month there’s no reason why you can’t make big sales.

You know i look at this image with these 3 witches they remind me as a Triple Threat if you look deeper in to the history of witches it's an amazing tail with a hard struggle its a lot like affiliate marketing just like this image you will see 3 power souses when these are together it's exactly powerful and magical some may say it harnessing the power of the dark realm just like affiliate marketing is.

So let's take a minute look back at a bit of the history

so In the early modern period, when witchcraft was a thing of worries village people would corner woman and man that held books or other witchcraft paraphernalia .But only when they where alone but the village people never approached them when they were together. That's when they had full power, there was around 100,000 people that has been prosecuted for witchcraft.

So let's look at a tipple threat in affiliate marketing

so there are 3 side to affiliate marketing

The Merchant -aka wealthy affiliate

The Affiliate - aka that's you

The Customer- aka your life line

Okay so lets look at affiliate marketing , if you only have one of these then you have very little power you can be easily taken out but if you add the other two now the power is yours see what i'm saying. if you don't uses whats around you then this road will be a struggle.

so here is a great example and i'm sure everyone of you at some point in your child hood did this so i'm going to use Halloween trick-or-treating

you remember as a kid running door to door getting candy and what houses gave out the best stuff and what house didn't . i'm i right or i’m i right well people remember

So your affiliate site is the same thing -people are only going to search out for what they want hence the whole affiliate marketing tool and even if it is free that to start may not bring them in your direction.

Wealthy affiliate the main tool

So let's look at what we got here, a full step by step guild to your success This is a platform that you can build anything you want, yup that right anything but With mayor power behind you.

The sky is really the limit.

so if your tying to get people to sign up as your trying to push you WA program why not give you customer the ride they are looking for. If you start funneling people to your blogs from something that is more entertaining and fun to read. As they go joinery though your website well leading them to what they want to read when they see something about affiliate marketing you will have way more people joining you.


Is only what you make it. if you don't enjoy writing about it then how are your readers going to enjoy it. we need to think out side the box to many people when they hear affiliate marketing they think three things. Fast cash,easy Money,no work that's why they fail.

I can insure you it takes lots of time and a good investment to see a wide return you can push the WA all day but if people can't keep interested then you will have a hard time converting them over. It's like the old saying you can lead the headless horse man to water but you can make him drink .


Thanks for taking this little walk with me,I look forward to reading all the comments feel free to ask anything i'm hopping this can help many out on getting a bit more sign up if they are having a hard time then they need to try something different and then come back to that affiliate page later for me i many just push the amazon just way easier to make money then pushing the WA stuff but i enjoy writing about mystical creatures and legends of old tales. not so much on affiliate marketing.

Remember Affiliate marketing is one big formulas Once you connect the dots the power will be fully yours.

Stay safe and enjoy the journey your on it may just define your destination explore it all.

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Recent Comments


What a joy-filled message, Shawn. Sharing Wealthy Affiliate is undoubtedly sharing value. I love the pictures!

A question and a comment: How does a headless horseman drink? Regarding the last pic, I have always wondered what happened to Hershey's Kisses when they passed away.

Awesome post. Have a great day!


Hey Dave,
Thanks for the great comment. And as well the awesome question.

The headless horseman is a spirit in theory so the horse would be the one drinking . I was just using this as a metaphor.

Right what did happen to the Hershey kisses . lol I’m sure they are still around

Thanks again have amazing weekend

I love it. That's a great piece of content.
Thank you.

Thanks abie
I appreciate it all the support and I appreciate you thanks again have a good weekend

You are welcome.

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