Feel the fear and do it anyway
Not quite phoenix from the ashes but I joined WA in May this year and have been working through the training as everyone encouages you to do. Got to choosing my niche and whoa! What is this? Wait I've got to write about it - a lot? Oh man!
I haven't wriitten in any detail since school. Ok so I've written letters and amended documents, of course there have been emails and varying forms of correspondence - so I can string a sentence together and even stretch to a paragraph. My fingers pause, or hover above the keyboard, wrists resting here and what comes to me as I think is that I always knew who was going to read it, my audience if you will. There was always an expectation, they expected my communication, I expected a response and/or both. An agreement or unspoken contract, if you like, of cooperation.
My fear is that in this forum if I do write will all the above be in place? Is there an agreement or unspoken contract of cooperation?
Yes, I am overthinking it, that's my thing.
That said, I felt the fear and did it anyway.
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Fear is nothing more that False Evidence Appearing Real.
You go girl success will follow
Hi Jennifer
That is so encouraging thank you.
Love it
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"The Only Thing We Have to Fear is Fear Itself!"~F.D.R.