Using Wealthy Affiliate to sell Music
If your passion is music and you are wondering how to sell it on to your website visitors, There is a whole heap of affiliate programs that you can make use of for this. You just need to think of what angle you'd like to go down... Start by asking yourself what you'd like to be selling, There are many options to choose for example; Are you going to be selling other peoples music or are you going to be helping people sell their own music?
Selling Famous Peoples music
One thing you can be sure of, Celebrities do have a bigger audience. One, they are already famous and, Two, they are easier to write about as they constantly have fresh roumors being published about them in the press! (You can always find a story to cover on your website/blog)
Selling and Publishing for independent artist
Don't Be Fooled though! Just because they have a Big audience, That don't mean they will give you more traffic. Thats because the competition in search engines is also alot bigger. Dealing with independant Artist in the music industry is a great way to aquire traffic and hit the first page on google because not as many people are writing about those Artist. I have alot of independent artist as Clients. Music Marketing for independent artist is in high demand, If the price is right, They will pay you to put their story online just so they can see their name appear on google (not just with their Facebook or Twitter Profile BUT, With and actual independantly written article).
If you do an online search for publish my press release, You will find website upon website of press release Publishers. People are paying top dollar for it so once you have a good amount of traffic coming in, Be confident in knowing they will soon be coming to you for your services.
Selling Your own Music and Growing your Fanbase..
This is probably the fastest way to sell your music online. People like to interact in real time and if you are selling your own music on reverbnation or any other self release platform, It will cost an arm and leg to feature yourself and pay for the extras that you need to keep your music exposed on the front pages of these websites. However, If you are selling your music on your own Website, You are filtering out the browsing community within these platforms and giving your fans a place where they can engage with just you. They can keep up with what your doing, New Releases and any shows you have coming up and, not only that, But if they grab your newsletter or sign up to your blog, you also know they are getting your post via email and they never miss any information that you write and post on your website. This is the best way to find new Fans aswell because, If you are good with keywords, Or once you go though the seo training here at wealthy affiliate. You will be able to drive new listeners to your music on autopilot and not only that but they will be actual people that are seaching for new Musicians or artist to listen to.
i hope this is helpful, If you need any tips on Music Marketing comment below....
Recent Comments
Great post and useful for all those music lovers with this niche
That's what I struggled with when I first found wealthy affiliate,Monetising Music :-/ Thanks for the comment
nice to know that artists actually pay for press release publications
yeah and they also pay people sometimes to manage their social media stuff