Gaining Speed


i am currently close to the 2 months at Wealthy Affiliate and have learned a lot. I just found that my site is first on Bing. I must say I was it was nice to see. I know Bing is not Google but i will take it. For all of the newcomers to the community, the training works here at Wealthy Affiliate. Soak up as much as you can.

Little background on me, I found myself in 2011 turning 40 in a hospital bed. Long story short went in for some blurred vision and erractic pulse, went into cath lab at 8 am and found myself coming to on a hospital bed 12 hours later, had 2 blockages in my heart they fixed one with a stint so they had to open me up and do a single bypass on my heart at the time they opened me up they found the artery was actually dissecting from my heart. I was a dead man walking. Thanks to modern medicine I was able to stick around.

Most of my problems was with the american diet, fast food, processed food and just junk food. I changed everything that day. Stopped eating fast food, processed foods and meat. In three months I went from 212 pounds to 178. My cholesterol went from 200 to 110. All the meds i was taking have lowered or no need for them any more.

If my site helps one person. it has done its job. Good luck to you all.

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Very inspiring. I hope you help many people. Best wishes,

Thanks, best wishes to you as well. If you would check out my site and leave a comment on what you think. I will do the same for you.

Hi there. It's amazing that your experience has led you to conduct a hobby and also something that you're keen on at the moment.

By the way, happy new year and hope for further future success for all of us.

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