Trip and fell into Perfectionism
In the back of my mind, I'm dismayed about falling into the Paralysis of Perfectionism. Which is basically becoming too focus on doing the mythical "flawless website" to the point you're hesitant to make errors, over checking line by line, nitpicking published pages and wasting time looking for the "golden grail photo" for your pages.
" A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new" ~Albert Einstein
To put it short, I chose a niche which as I go deeper and complete a page. I found myself completing trips to the library and back on sourcing different sections of Naturopathic, and to make the job more into a research assignment. I have to rewrite it all in my own content words, and double check on some area where I did do direct quotes and have my citation on point.
Laughably, This blog post is to pick on myself as an example on what not to do, because now I am behind on my first goal, however, I will own my mistake, take the lesson at hand, and push forth.
My word of advice: Go for broke! Don't even worry about trying to recreate your imagined "flawless webpage", since here's a realization I recently experience. The more mistakes I made, the more I can owned up and profit off them.
Each error is a lesson on improvement, and one of those days the chain of errors are going to develop into the winning lotto combination. The results will reveal themselves in the amount traffic, ranking, and income your website generates for you.
Went through the same pitfall as myself? Feel free to share your experience.
Recent Comments
YEP --- now i can put up a post in 10-15min!!
I wish I was at your level right now to produce post at a rapid rate. From checking out your website, I can see how you earned the skill in the experience and work you put in.