Premium or Starter? 3 more days to decide.


still some pros and cons in my head...


-speed up my learning, action and probably everything related to WA since every delay is actually costing $...

-keeps interacting with other members could maintain a good momentum to build my interest/business here.


-I'm damn busy right now actually, with 2 jobs as an agent, 1 job as a performer, and I'm getting married by early Dec too! Now I can just use my lunch/dinner/traveling/before bed time to read some WA's posts and complete a few lessons. I'm not sure whether it would be a waste for me to do the upgrade..


- after enjoying the first month membership discount of US19, can I switch to pay yearly rather than monthly fee of US47?

- how to stop the payment if I really want to drop my premium membership?

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Yes you can switch to pay yearly at any point but you would be charged in advance for the year. I would maybe consider upgrading in January after christmas and your wedding/honeymoon. You can cancel your monthly membership at anytime and will just be chatged for 30 more days I believe, if you pay yearly and cancel you may not be refunded. Would have to check this out with Kyle or Carson

I think you have to decide if its realistic to fill up your remaining time off with WA at present. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate. I would suggest staying as a free member until you have a little more time on your hands. What ado you perform as? And what type of agent are you?

Thank you! After some careful considerations, I decide to take your advice and maybe do the upgrade in 2017.

I'm a lounge singer, insurance agent and also a health product's ambassador (agent), sounds too busy right?

I will still hope I could spend some time to start this online business as a starter member, create some websites and write some blog posts.

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