You Got To Start Somewhere
I'm not even sure where I'm going to go with this post, other than what I'm feeling and where I'm at, and hopefully inspiring others in the same boat as I am.
Everyone Has a Story
I have a story, but so does everyone. I could tell my story about all my up's and downs and all the way around, but I am not going to. As my story is no more special than someone elses story. I will start out by saying, I am starting at the bottom of the barrel.
I really don't have the monthly subscrition fee I have to pay this month. Though, I am getting it. The struggle is real though. That money could buy some extra food, some gas for the car, some ...well you get the picture. But, once its gone its gone, then what?
Some would recommend, you don't start from flat zero when trying to create a business. The truth is only a very small percent of all businesses (no exclusive to online) people start survive after the first 2 years. The main reason they fail is under capitalized. You need some money to start a business, and most business cost way more than this one to start up.
I live in a very rural area right now, even if I desired to go out and get a JOB there aren't many around here. Unless I want to go work at a Dairy Farm, which nothing is wrong with that but I prefer not.
So, here I am about to enter my second month on Wealthy Affiliate. I would not change a thing. I now have two websites. Yes, I know only one is recommended at a time but my first one was an Entrepenaur Site and I wanted to do the Affiliate Challenge, so I have two. Most days I get 20 visits a day at least on one of them. I've been indexed, ranked, and been a very busy camper.
I am starting to get signups to other programs, and activity is starting to show.
Hang In There and Hold On!
I am starting to see a lot of positive activity, and even some sign ups on other programs I have in my blog. Since, I'm not working outside of the home, and don't have spending money to go out and play or shop, it is perfect for me to sit here hours on end. Working on training, writing blogs, and getting traffic.
Sometimes, do I want throw my hands up and cry? Yes. Have I? Yes, like a baby. Then I suck it up buttercup, and get back on and push throw it some more.
I don't want to a get rich quick program. I want a program that will continue to grow and make me a liveable income, because frankly I'm tired of barely getting by. A lot of people work and they are barely getting by. That is why I chose to go the route of Wealthy Affiliate, because I know for the rest of my life I will be set once I get through this hurdle.
So, to everyone in the same boat as I am. We can do this, and we will be successful as long as we use every bit of our time that we have to keep going at this 100% and not get distracted by any outside force that will try to distract us.
FREE To Darn Cheap
While, I'm getting started and knowing I need to make money ASAP. I've been signing up for free or darn cheap programs to promote. You know when $20.00 can make a difference rather you eat or not, anything is worth promoting AS LONG as it is a legit and honest program, and you are as honest as you can be about it.
I recently made a category in one of my sites called Bread N' Butter. Because, if you are in a desperate situation to where you need the money, it might be in your best interest to find programs that pay quicker than having to wait a month. The fast you get paid or can request a payment, the faster you may can eat or pay for your subscription here. Am I saying, to stop promoting Wealthy Affiliate or any other programs that can pay more? Heck no, but keep in mind there's a lot of us out here that has virually nothing and are willing to work hard to make something!
Once someone has been in business awhile, they overlook the bread n' butter. They go for bigger and brighter things, but remember lots of butter can make you as much as one big item (nothing against big items), but if it is something someone can get into that has nothing, they are likely to go to it.
The point is make a lot of posts. Saturate your websites with as much stuff as you can, research your keywords, do it right don't skimp, but don't stay idle because you feel you don't have enough money to purchase things to try out and write reviews for. Go for free and cheap and write those reviews. Even if they are negative reviews, because you may get a sign up for Wealthy Affiliate that way. Just write until your fingers fall off.
Patience Please
To those who have been in the business awhile or had more money to start out with, please have a little patience to those who don't. It is easy to say something is easy to do, as long as you have the equipment to do it with. But, there could be those trying to get started on an old computer that barely works anymore. Or someone might not even have a cellphone. I'm not saying give people a pity party. Just be a little aware of how someone asks a question, and see if there is a real struggle going on further than just trying to learn how to do this work.
To those newbies, I'm talking to in the same boat as I am. Be patient with yourself. Don't get your feelings hurt when a part of training is covering something you many not be ready yet. It is not a personal attack. The trainings and advice that are lovingly given here are for everyone. It is so easy to feel like you are alone or frustrated when you are expected to do something you just can't right now. Like you should really try a product before posting a review on it. You should, and that's the best thing to do, but sometimes you just can't.
No one is attacking you and stop feeling like you are victim. The more you think you can't, the more lack you focus on, the more you feel under attack, you are setting yourself up for failure. Take it with stride, keep your head up, and visualize where you are going to be a year from now or even half a year from now
Thank You!
One last thing before I hit send, and get off of my box. I just want to thank each and every one of you for making my dreams even possible. I can not express the gratitude in my heart for what everyone does on here, and how much love is on this site.
Be Blissfully Blessed everyone!
Recent Comments
Good post. Yes, I understand struggle, believe me. I love your "Bread and Butter" category. That is a very good idea.
I understand how you feel about WA, too, as it has become a family for me. We are so lucky!
Yes, we are thanks for the comment