Best Laid Plans, or Should it be Best Waylaid Plans?

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So, I had all the plans in the world to write another blog post over the weekend, either Saturday or Sunday (preferably Saturday). Then, I went to a street fair with my mom and those plans went up in smoke or down the drain.

Saturday wasn't too bad a day. It was hot but it didn't feel any hotter than most days here in August. My mom had bought a lightning cord for her iPhone from Grocery Outlet to replace one that stopped working. It worked for about a month, then on Friday evening she noticed it wasn't charging. She was never really happy with that cord when she bought it and should have taken it back at the time. Now, though, she was stuck with no way to charge her phone. She couldn't go get a new one because the nearest store too far away. Thus, our trip to the street fair.

Where we live there are street fairs all over the place. One in particular is a few blocks from our house. Shortly after moving here we went to that fair to look around. It is several blocks wide so we have yet to explore the entire length of the fair.

We knew that there are several people selling phone accessories so we decided to walk down to find a vendor selling the cords we needed and then walk back. I even put on sunscreen because the sun can be brutal that time of day. Unfortunately, because I don't like walking carrying water, I didn't bring any. Big mistake.

We found the first vendor selling the types of cords we needed right away. My mom bought two so that she would have a backup and, because I only have one cord and noticed it was getting frayed a few weeks ago, I bought two. They were only about 7 dollars each, which is really good because they are not an off brand. Even at Walmart, Apple lightning cords are about $15 or $20. We should have just gone back home but I was hoping to see more of the fair than the last time so we decided to walk a little further.

I think we probably saw about half of the fair and decided to head back home when we started

seeing vendors selling the same stuff. By then the sun was beating us down and it was really hot. People would walk by selling various types of liquid to drink and someone even seemed to be selling beer out of their car. No one, though, was selling water otherwise we probably would have bought some.

By the time we walked the five or six blocks home, I was exhausted and really thirsty. All I was thinking when I got a block from my house was the Kombucha I had waiting for me at home. Boy, did I guzzle that thing.

I think I got way too much sun that day to the point of being sick. I didn't feel like doing anything. Eating was even difficult because my stomach was really upset. Even though I applied sunscreen on my

shoulders, I must have missed some spots because I have a sunburn on my left shoulder.

I went to bed early that evening but, despite going to bed early, I was still exhausted the next morning when I woke up. I also had to play catch up with the activities I had intended to do over the weekend. That pushed my blogging plans back a few days. I had this post all written and ready to go today but was too tired last night to put the finishing touches on it. This week I will strive for three blog posts here at WA to set the habit of writing.

The moral of the story is, even if you don't think you will need it, carry water with you if you are walking more than a block or two, especially if it is a really sunny day. Better to carry something you may need and not need it, than long for something you don't have because you thought you wouldn't need it.

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Recent Comments


I've made that mistake more times than I can count, Sandi!


I'm glad I'm not alone, Jeff. Thank you for reading.

Very true and you are very welcome!

Great advice. You always need water. 🌹

You live an you learn. Thanks so much for reading, Lisa.

You are very welcome

Well we hope the sunburn gets better an stay safe.


Thanks, Mathew & Deloris. It is a lot better now. I don't sunburn as much anymore because I have learned to be a lot more careful with the sun. The worst sunburn I have had was when my daughter was a toddler. I was sunburned from head to toe. It is not pleasant explaining to a toddler why she can't touch Mommy because it hurts everywhere.

That is not fun we didn’t get that sunburned this summer we were mostly driving and traveling. But was hit and now it’s getting cold quick well we are at.


The sun can be brutal, I can't take it very much anymore. Water definitely helps!

Water definitely does help. I have never handled the sun well. Oddly enough, I lived in the middle of the desert until the age of 11. I was thrilled when we moved to a place with a more even climate.

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