Movin' Up!

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2nd Certification Done

When first beginning this journey with WA, the mindset is "I just need to work through the steps layed out by Kyle & Carson". And it still is.

Now, I have not come a long way through the steps. But I am not moving fast...

In fact, there have been whole weeks where I have done nothing: The challenge is when you can't seem to find enough time in the day to do all the things you want to get done, with consultant projects taking a lot of time, amounting to more than a full days work (I travel a lot) - as well as prioritizing time with my family and lovely wife (trying to, at least).

It all requires a strong motivation to succeed in all aspects of life, and a communication skills to be able to communicate your intentions clearly, which is not easily learned.

Daily Goalsetting

What helps me, is daily goal setting and 10 minute daily meditation. Now, before you roll your eyes in disbelief (I've done the same thing in the past), thinking this is some new-age, hippie mumbo-jumbo - hear me out.

Setting 2-3 smaller, achievable goals for the day before meditating for 10 minutes where I visualize my goals being achieved, is my personal recipe for success.

No. 1 is goalsetting. These goals should be small, but not just "pick up the pen" or "open a new word-document". But rather "write 250 words for a post", or even better: "post a 250 word article online", "post an ad with an ad platform I have not yet used", "join a new forum in my niche, and update my profile with a signature link" and "answer 3 questions on this niche forum". You get the idea. Those are great daily goals!

Setting goals like this before you start your day sets you up for success :-)

Of course, you already should have your Ultimate Goal clear in your mind - the goal that most of us have: "I want to become free, free from having to work for a boss from 9-5, BECAUSE then I will be able to..."

More on this goal below.

Achieving one goal after the other, day after day, really does something to your mentality and thoughts about what is possible. You begin to realize what you could accomplish, that anything is possible and achievable.

That anything and everything is achievable - for YOU.

Once you have made daily goalsetting a habit, you can see that anything is possible - Even the biggest goals are within reach, as long as you break it down to 2-3 smaller daily goals that eventually lead to your main, bigger goals.

No. 2 is meditating/visualizing. Meditation, or visualization if you will, gives you clarity on why you need to do what you need to do. It's about remembering why you started this process to begin with, why you wanted to become a digital marketer. What it will mean to you reaching your ultimate goal of time, money and geographical freedom.

It means breaking it down to how will you feel once the goal is achieved, all the way down to the physical sensations. It is so easy to burst out and say "it will feel absolutely wonderful". But that is not tangiable enough, it needs to be more specific to you and how you will feel once you reach your ultimate goal.

Does reaching this goal mean that you will be able to visit your mother or grandmother at the elderly center during the day and avoiding traffic? Or being able to pick up your kids from school every day, and making them a sandwich and helping out with homework before the sun goes down?

Visualizing really helps you feel the emotions of already having what you want and desire in life, and feeling the emotions of having now - closes the gap and rushes you faster towards the actual having. Confusing? Once you start this daily routine, it will make all the sense in the world.

Smooth Sailing, right?

Like in the image above, before setting of on any journey, we see what we need to overcome to reach our destination: smooth sailing across the sea before climbing a mountain.

No problem right?

It is so easy to feel distressed once the going gets tough and the hurdles get harder to overcome.

Start out every step of the journey visualizing what you need to do, and you WILL experience the following - when the obstacle arises, you will instantly be reminded of why you are doing this and the obstacle is demolished like there is nothing to it.

Thank you for reading :-)

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Recent Comments


Very useful post!
The days are never long enough to do
everything. But with a good organization and
programming the objectives of the day it can
work. The important thing for me is to work
at my own pace.

Thanks for your nice post.

Very helpful blog! The mindset is really important for motivation. I know what you mean by getting the “physical sensation” with visualization of the goal once achieved. For me, I visualize that my husband no longer stress about money. He works hard every day to get promoted, for a raise so he can provide both our family and his family back in his country. He’s such a kind mind that I love very much that it breaks my heart to see him worry or sad even though he just got a decent paying job as an IT. I just want to lift his burden but he want me to stay home and not work. I have an Etsy business but it’s not making much and I lost the urge to do all the manual work of making and shipping my craft. I think WA is our solution so here’s hoping!

My daily plan is almost like yours and exactly meditation time at the beginning of day too. I call mine 'visualise' where I revisit my goals and list what I could improve on from the day before. So neat to read others do this too. Thanks for sharing.

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