How Effective is Your Headline?
The success of your website depends upon the quality of your blog, but do you think, your visitor will read each and every blog post you make.
Chances are very "few".
So how would you compel your visitor to read your blog post, you got it right "A very effective headline".
But how would you know that the headline is catchy enough or technically speaking has the right score to attract the eyeballs of your visitor.
Here is link :
Type in your headline and check the score of your headline. This very article you are reading has a headline score of 68 ( scope of improvement is always there).
Suggestion is provided like - how you can increase the score and make it more powerful.
So go check out and if you like it (or not), please drop me a line.
P.S: This is "not" an affiliate link.
Recent Comments
Very good, thanks for sharing!!!