AdBlock blocking WA Banners - Quick fix!
AdBlock is basically a web browser "extension" that stops a LOT of ads showing up on peoples screens when browsing the web.
I just tried adding a Wealthy Affiliate banner to my website sidebar and when I refreshed the page, the banner didn't show up but my AdBlock was telling me that it was blocking 1 ad.
So I then set it to "Don't run on this page" and then my banner appeared again.
What's happening is AdBlock is blocking the image from showing as it deems it as advertising, but there's a simple way around it.
Host the image elsewhere
All banners have certain links underneath that you can just copy and paste in to your site, like so..
Upload the image to "Media"
You need to upload the image so it is hosted elsewhere, by heading to the Media -> Add New in your site dashboard..
Change the HTML Code
Once you have uploaded the image, head over to "Media" then click on the image and on the right hand side you will see the "URL". Copy this URL and replace the 'img src' in the original HTML Code, just like this..
Original HTML Code - <a href=""><img src="" border="0" /></a>
New HTML Code - <a href=""><img src="" border="0" /></a>
Now the image will show up even when AdBlock is enabled.
AdBlock is used by a LOT of people therefore checking whether this affects you could help a lot! For all you know your banners may not be showing up for site visitors.
Hope this helps!
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I cannot change the original URL. Has WA made a change to this? I have seen it mentioned in several posts, but mine won't work.
Hello Rob,
Thank you so much for this training!!! I been spending some time trying to figure out how to make the banners in the sidebar show even if someone is using Adblock. You explained it so well. Thanks a lot!
All the best,
Here's a video tutorial I did. it will help you.
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Can you find it , or any related subjects in any of the training?
My experience, once you grab a URL, ie: domain name, it is locked to you until you give it up, or buy another domain name to make another site.