I'm pleased

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So I'm indexded with Google. Delighted with myself. Could not have done it without the great support from all members here at WA.

A lot of work still to be done. More learning. I'm sure I still have lots of questions. It's been a busy few weeks for me. Iv put in an average of 8 to 10 hrs a day.

In saying that I still want to go back and refresh my mind on all that I have so far learned. This to me is a important part of allowing it to enter my mind. To become second nature. I'm in no rush. I want at 55 years of age to get it right.

Iv been racing through life. Children grandchildren walking hiking, always moving at a fast pace. This is important to me to be a good affiliate and achieving a decent income in the coming years.

Thank you WA



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Great job. Keep up the work and you will leave a lasting legacy. I am 54 and I am planning to retire from my full-time day job to do affiliate marketing full-time in November... The day before I turn 55! A kind of early birthday present for me!

With 2020 Vision,
Karin 😎

Thank ypu . Stories like yours keeps me focused

Hi Anne, I am in the same boat as yourself being 55 with children and grandchildren and have been enjoying the course up till now. I will also be taking as much time as I can to make sure every part of the course sinks in and that I can create good content that is easy to read. I wish you all the success the affiliate program brings to you and your family. Regards Ronnie.

Thank you Ronnie. Its big learning curve. Slow and steady will get us there

Way to go Anne! Congrats! I admire you for working so hard in building your business.

It can sometimes appear more complex that it really is. I simplified the steps for myself and want to share this with you.

1) Select a niche where you can find a good target market.

2) Create a website to write compelling content to help solve a problem or meet a need using the products in your niche.

3) Create a lot of content, 2-3 articles a week. Use the techniques taught to rank on Page 1 of the search engines.

4) Promote ones content on social media . Pick just one and get really good at it before branching out to others. 4, 5 and 6 helps to drive traffic to your website.

5) Build an Email list using a landing page offering a freebie (This is a bit more advanced so wait until you have accumulated enough contentin your website.)

6) Engage in Email marketing.

7) Study the analytics and tweak.

You have access to all the training in Wealthy Affiliate to learn how to do the above.

Right now focus on your training. You will come across the specific lessons to do the above, so don't jump ahead. This is just a heads up to keep these steps in mind.

Most importantly, have FUN!

I wish you much success in your affiliate marketing journey.



Thank you for the above information. I do find i have to go over to youtube quite a bit as some of the info is out of date. Plus im trying to focus on getting the content right.
Im sure it will all come right .
I will follow your advice

Congrats and well done. Keep moving forward. I wish you all the best.
Have a wonderful weekend,

Congrats and keep doing what you are doing.
All the best.


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