Almost 1 week into Wealthy Affiliate!
Still really enjoying this new journey I am on! Two websites up and really enjoying writing article after article and then promoting the website afterwards. This could get almost as addictive as Football Manager!!
One thing that has struck me is the helpfulness of the people on this site. I hope that I am proving to be as helpful to other people as they have been to me. 1 week into the WA experiment and it is definitely proving to be a great choice!
Recent Comments
It is fun and addictive, huh! Happy that you have two sites up and rolling and promoting them...that means, after only 1 week, you could end up with quick results to build on for a great future; you have a fan, Richard...this is truly good news...and yes, the people here on WA are really true and genuine...and I would attribute that to 'hope' at about 75% and the other 24% goes to the joy that comes when hope allows us to feel we have something to look forward to. Go get'em tiger! :)
Very awesome. I like how you are already working two pages. I personally am trying to hold off for just a bit because I want to try to rank one site before I start a second and third. I already know what my next two websites are going to be I just do not have the time as of yet.
One week down and many more to come. Keep up with it and your going to kill it!
Richard I like your attitude. Bravo!