Choose a path but choose wisely!
"All roads lead to Rome!" as a famous French Philosopher once said, but is that really wise and sage advice to follow? If I can share one thing as I go through the WA journey, it is this: "Not all paths lead to your goal because there are many pitfalls and traps along the way, and sometimes the best path is the simplest!"
I have struggled with affiliate marketing and creating an online business for years. Taking courses and not realizing it is the "action" rather than the knowledge is what is necessary for my business to take-off (or atleast show signs of life)
I will keep walking the long and narrow path to my goals and success and I hope you guys will do the same! Keep struggling, keep encouraging and keep posting. One day we will see the fruits of our labor.
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How many times have we heard that we must take action? That is key! Yet we don't. For a number of reasons. How many courses/programs have I bought, seminars I've attended or videos have I watched and yet I am not where I like to be financially. Of course acquiring knowledge is beneficial but if one doesn't act upon that knowledge what good is it.
Good post Reyban3's
Yes! Absolutely! There's a difference between knowing the door and going through the door! Thanks for the insight David!
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Thank you for sharing. Having a plan and working that plan is imperative.
Yes, definitely! Thanks for dropping by Joseph.