How do YOU view Google Plus?


I became frustrated with Google+ quite a while ago. I still use it for sharing purposes etc, and have an account for more-or-less just social engagement, but I also have one for my website.

Anyway, through WA, of course I've added a lot of fellow members...and been added back etc. But what I find frustrating is that it's like pulling teeth to try and get anyone engaged in anything I post. Even getting "+1's" is extremely rare...let alone anyone actually commenting on a post. I've asked questions and TRIED to engage...but usually without any reciprocation.

I've posted funny pictures, things about this `n that and general stuff related to holidays and weather events, etc. I've also put several website posts on the social side as well. And still, 99.9% of the

Then it's kind of annoying that there are other G+ members (not WA folks) whom I consider a G+ acquaintance, who get plus's and comments with EVERYTHING they post! There's one guy, who all he has to do is post a picture of a piece of bacon, and get accolades for it!

Am I being too sensitive? Or is it just me?

Jay emphasizes how Google ranks us...and looks at our social engagement as a "ruler" of our success...but it's not our fault if we're posting and just not drawing the right kind of attention.

I'll admit, that when I go on there, the amount of content is overwhelming and I suppose people just skim through posts...just like on Facebook or any other SM site.

I'll also admit that I've been signing on less and less...because my efforts seem to be futile.

So, I'm just wondering what your take on the whole thing is? Thumbs up or down?

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This is right where I am in the Cert training, and I have to admit I'm a little intimidated by it ... Google +, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, ... yadda, yadda, yadda. Part of the reason is I've never been a social media guy. I don't even own a smart phone. What's the point ... I spend a good part of my day at my desk top and I'm a click away from digital media.

But I want my sites to work and that takes as much traffic as possible. Everyone says social media is a huge potential source of traffic. So I'm sort of going with the flow. The remarks here aren't very encouraging. Is this Google + specific or are the comments meant for all social media?

I too have found G+ to seem to be a waste. I had a G+ account that was long forgotten. When it came time for the give Google Some Love Lesson, I beefed up my profile as much as I could and added business pages for all of my websites. I found Google+ difficult to navigate and I don't feel the SM returns will be great there...but I am hoping that by investing the time that I did, it will show Google that I gave the love!

I find that the other SM sites work much better! For non-profit fundraising campaigns that I am involved in, FB has been a tremendous help. So, I have given it a go with all of the other SM as well for all of my websites and getting good results. I even had an NHL Player follow me on Twitter!

I have it configured so my blog posts auto-post to all of my SM, to save some time. I am more concerned with other SM outlets, but keep in mind that Google is connected and hope that by auto-posting there as well, Google will observe the love :)

Let's try out Robert's training and report the results: It's right on que :)

Yep... I saw that! He has a couple of tricks in there that I was unaware of.

OK, i'll be the first to answer so your question won't emulate those posts on G+ when it comes to response :)

(Looks like people just don't react to G+ posts)

I have G+ profile and sites but don't use them. Or I only use them automatically when plugins post new articles to them. So my impression about it is similar to yours. A waste of time.

In following weeks I'll create a new G+ site for a client of mine. I'll try to engage it and also teach this client how to use it. Maybe there'll be a response that will merit the effort put in. But I don't bet on it and I'll certainly put much more effort in FB and TW pages / profiles. We'll see how it turns out.

In the meantime I remain a skeptic about G+ value :)

Thank you! It was beginning to seem like this QUESTION was as much a social bust as G+ is! Anyway your response reaffirmed my theory. All the best.

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