I Need A Little Help
Good Afternoon WA,
I've been researching my next post for a week. I think it's because I'm still fairly new to this new way of life researching and producing engaging content.
I Need Help
I went to Google trends about a week ago and saw they were talking about How Apple Just Became The First US Company To Reach A $1 Trillion Market Cap As Of August 2, 2018!!!!!!!!!!!
So I dug in and started on this exciting topic.The history of Apple was an open book. The products are world renowned. There was an information overflow, but when to try to add content on the $1 trillion market cap; I quickly realized I didn't real know what that meant. So I defined what a market cap was. That was to easy right?
Well here is where I got stuck and need your help, and when I say your I mean anyone and everyone who is knowledgeable about Stock Market. Please send me links in the comment section or just explain.
First, how can a company like Apple have 4,829,926,000 outstanding shares?
Secondly, how does a company even determine how many shares it will release to be sold to the public?
Last but not least, Is when a company starts to buy back shares a method to make the price of each share go up?
Thank You In Advance For Your Help
I kinda feel like I just asked some to do my homework, but I just couldn't find the information on my own. I want to put out the most engaging and accurate content I can, but the information that I'm finding is either incomplete, to vague, or above my understanding due to the jargon I can't understand yet.
I also feel that if I take to long with my post the information will no longer be relevant due to new trending topics.
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