So Very Relaxing

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Good Morning to all you lovely people at the Great WA Family, as always do so hope that you are all keeping both safe and well.

The title says it all really, I have done very little of use this week, about the business, and have had the odd idea, but that really is about all. This means that this could be the shortest blog ever written, certainly by me, but we will see.

The Last Few Days

Did spend three days at the cricket, which is just what I needed to relax a little more, with it being the last home game of the season, it was very sad when I left, as we always wish each other "Winter Well", I will certainly miss their company, until the season starts again in April.

We do have a Gala Dinner, when the players are given various awards, it is a "Black Tie" event which I do enjoy, but, it would mean finding someone to stay with my wife, so will not attend!!

Forgot to mention last week that I had a mail from "Grammerly" to have a free subscription, so took them up on their offer, up to now have been pleased with what they correct, but I do not think that I will go for the paid version.

No doubt most of you will use this already!!

Did a little in the garden, had intended to work in there today, but, a thunderstorm last night coupled with heavy rain, so far to day, has put paid to that idea.

Have not been totally idle! In fact have spent most of the time watching either television or DVD's, have the complete collection of "New Tricks" so have started to watch that again, forgot just how funny this series is. Having said that not sure that it is meant to be funny at all!! Must confess that I did enjoy just sitting in my chair whilst watching the screen. Did not realise just how much that I needed to do nothing at all.

OK you all keep telling me to do just that and relax, been a good boy and have done as I was told.

Did have some ideas for the business, which I intend to develop, have a number of affilate sites which I can use on some of my websites, so I have, in my brain, begun to think what to use. In fact last night, whilst enjoying a glass of Malbec, did make a start on my first idea.

The Next Few Days

It will depend on the weather, but will try to continue to work on the garden before the cold weather begins to close in. Think that I will do a little more on the business, but will take it steady!!

The problem that I have is that my brain is always so active, in truth I do not like doing nothing.

I do ralise that I am 81, and supposed to be retired, but I can always find so much to do.


I am sorting the Sunday Lunch out as I write these notes, but it is easy today, just Roast Beef, Yorkshire Puddings, Roast Potatoes, Steamed Mixed Vegeatbles and Gravy, followed by a Strawberry Cheesecake.

Must open the bar, checked the word count total amazement.

Be Happy, Healthy and Wealthy.

Please do stay safe,

God Bless.


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Hey VH

Your post even sounds relaxed. 81 is just a number. Keep moving and keep your mind active.

You are such a good husband. Not all men would stay home from an event that they enjoy. I agree with you though. I love black tie events. I rarely get that opportunity and even if I did, most people don't like that kind of thing. Anyway, I admire your devotion.

Funny you mentioned roast beef. I don't eat a lot of red meat but about once a month I crave some. After church today, I picked up some chicken then decided on some beef. It is crazy expensive now and not worth the time to make a small portion for one. I can't eat leftovers more than 2-3 times. So, since you can't send it, I guess I'll have to go out to eat one of these nights.

Today is our 1st day of Fall -- YAY!!!!!!! I'll be outside a lot. Well, you have another good week and take care.

Your VW

Hi VW,

Hopefully,, I will not delete this reply, tried earlier but managed to somehow press the wrong key and delete a reasonably sized post, so here goes another try.

Regarding the black tie event, just the photos of the winners, the guys looked great in their dinner jackets and the womens winners in full evening dress, it was on Saturday, so sad that I could not be there as the guy who won player of the year, was not only my choice but also a friend!

I bought my first dinner jacket in 1967, this lasted until 2011, when I bought my present one. I did alao have Mess Kit, but that gave up the ghost around 28 years ago, OK it no longer fitted correctly!! But as I was retired it did not matter.

Regarding roast beef, I know cheat as a joint is not only expensive, but can last too long. So I buy sliced cooked beef, this will last the Sunday and sometimes Monday in a bun, it is not only very tasty, but a lot more economical (OK Cheaper).

As it is way past my bedtime, will say Goodnight and God Bless.

Have a great week.

Always your VH

A nice relaxing week Stuart!! That's what I like to hear!!

We all need time to recharge the batteries... especially as we age!

Sorry to see Derbyshire couldn't quite finish off the season with two consecutive home wins....

But still one more match to play this week I believe!

Maybe an away win is on the cards!!

Grammarly is a great tool, even as an English teacher I use the free version... I don't agree with all of the suggestions it gives me but... it certainly checks my spelling for me when I am typing fast!

Hope you manage to get in the garden again for a bit before things really cool down...

Take care my friend and enjoy the rest of your Sunday evening! :-)

Hi Jessie,

Yes, we play Leicestershire at Grace Road starting on Thursday.

Grammarly certainly helps as a good guide, even if we do not agree with everything that it suggests.

Have started to look at the Hubs training in more detail, as I would really like to get going again in the not-too-distant future.

Have a great week! :-)

I wish Derbyshire all the very best against Leicestershire in the last game of the season Stuart!!

But.. will a win even move them from the bottom of the league??

One thing that I still don't fully understand about the tiers in English County Cricket...

We have 'First Class Counties' (which is about 18-20) then the rest!!

Being from Devon... and I represented the county a few times in my schoolboy days (even the Southwest of England)!!

But... Devon has never had 'first county' acceptance or will likely never to in the future as teams that finish bottom of division two never get relegated!!!

Any views on this subject my friend???


Hi Stuart!

I picked up on your Grammarly comment. I have been using the paid version since 2015. I need all the help I can get, and it does a great job.

Happy Sunday!

Hi Howard,

Many thanks for your comment on Grammerly, very much appreciated.

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