A Complete Rethink
Good Morning to all you wonderful people at the Great WA Family, as always I do so hope that you are all keeping both safe and well.
This week I have had cause to completely re-organize both my life and myself, hence the title of this weeks' offering, please note that it is morning and not afternoon or evening, the reason is simple I am in the mood to explain a few things.
The Last Few Days
It might be difficult for me to explain what I mean in a coherent manner(No, I am not drunk), but I will do my best. (No, not to get drunk, good thought tho').
A number of things have befome apparent, especially this week.
I think that I am correct in saying that the number of replies to my weekly blog is the lowest ever? Why I ask myself!
The best answer that I can come across is that I have been banging on about Yvonne, not just since she passed, but before. It has become boring for you to read.
All that I will say about that dear lady this week is that she is now at home. I did intend to scatter her ashes over our last dog's grave, my daughter was not sure as her Mum would be mixed into the soil. At the moment I am not sure about anything, so for now she will stay where she is, also i cannot face scattering her at the moment.
Unless it is really relevant, I promise not to mention Yvonne again, but try to concentrate on more relevant matters that just mighht interest you (I will cetainly try), such as what I am doing at the WA.
At the dinner which I attended, it was a lovely meal and good to see so many old friends, I was one of only a couple of people who were on their own. No, I did not feel sorry for myself, the fact is I am on my own (so, get over it and move on). This has led me to some very serious thinking, I am happy on my own, just got to adjuust to being so, also learn that it will be lonely at time, which I must learn to cope with.
The weather and what I thought was the start of a cold stopped but the very minimum of gardening, in the real world a quick visit around the plot. This has allowed me to get back to basics, (nearly anothe title) with regard to the business, the problem that I then had was just where do I start!!
I have resting websites, some semi active and so on. You may recall that I have long liked to take a piece of PLR and literally tear it apart. In my archives I do have a number of such items, the question being where do I start and on which web site.
I may have half solved the problem, going through my archives I have come across a course on how to re-purpose PLR. Thought that the best plan would be to go through this and see what I can remember, this I have started to do.
Will also decide what programmes to use and alter, more importantly which sites I will use.
The Next Few Days
Forget if I mentioned that I have bought a new Sat Nav, the old one being past its sell by date, and some. Will have to get this working ready for my first holiday, which I leave for three weeks today, know the route, but not the exact location of the Hotel.
I think that I did mention that I have bought a new (well refurbished) laptop, need to get this ready for my trip, hopefully I will be able to get some work done on the (new) website, when I am not strolling along the beach, or in the bar!!
If the weather improves I will try to get on with the garden.
On Wednesday I have the AGM of the County Cricket Club, notice that ground improvements are on the agenda, I and two friends could have a lot to say about that!!
Saturday sees the Annual Freedom Parade of the local Air Training Corps, notice that I am on the saluting base, not sure who with until I get there!!
Having read the foregoing, feel that I am much more in control of me, no longer, feel sorry for ME, but get on with life, Yvonne will never be forgotten, but she would want me to get on with things, I feel a lot clearer in my plans, will do my best to carry them out.
As always thanks for letting me ramble on!!
If you would like to comment, your comments will be very much appreciated.
Be happy, healthy and wealthy,
Please do take care and stay safe.
God Bless
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Good morning across the world, Stuart!
Your plans for writing more material on your sites sound very focused and can be very rewarding. Looking forward to your updates.
I hope you have a wonderful trip! It sounds like a great time to relax and let your imagination fly on your next phase of creativity.
I doubt any of your blog readers here ever minded your mentions of Yvonne. It's part of life. You'll have ups and downs, and that's natural. I'm still working full time in my official retirement years, and often don't get a chance to read posts here. I'm glad I did today, and to know you're feeling strong.
Bon Voyage!
Hi Dianne,
Many thanks for this, perhaps I was feeling a little sorry for myself, or having a down moment, I do get a few of them, which I suppose is hardly surprising at the moment.
Do forget that we are at different time zones and also time to spend on the computer, just because I am now over eighty, and very often almost live on mine!! lol!
Best wishes,
Hi Stuart!
I don't think anyone feels that you were going on about sharing your life with us as you dealt with all that transpired with Yvonne.
Within the stories you shared are life lessons that show compassion, patience, and being human.
So, glad to hear you have a plan going forward! Enjoy your travels, Sir!
Congratulations on getting a plan for moving forward,
A change of pace is a good thing. Maybe the weather will be better and cooperate better for outside interests.
Remember that our posts here on Wealthy Affiliate sometimes hit when the members don't have much response time. I know I have weeks I don't get to offer my two cents.
Nothing is more interesting than tidbits about personal life, even though it seems normal everyday stuff to the individual. We are all in this business to encourage each other, and the more we understand that we are alike, the better we can use information from this platform to live a better life.
Others will have similar life events, and they can benefit from reading about your adjustments as you move into your new life. We can all appreciate the human aspect of building a business around everyday life.
Keep pushing on,
Thanks Sami,
I do appreciate that not everyone is different with regard to available times and the different zones, just do not always think!!
Think that I may have been feeling a little sorry for myself, which I must stop doing, and get on with my life.
Take care,
Hello Stuart,
This is just a brief comment - I wasn't expecting to read your update until the evening - and I wasn't actually expecting to be sitting at the computer right now. I had intended to take my dog for a walk but it's raining quite heavily, so I am waiting for the worst to stop.
It will certainly be interesting to hear what you are doing with your websites. I am especially interested because I started back here just over three months ago and got a new domain just over three weeks ago. I am letting my previous websites from a few years ago lapse. They don't have much content and I am just taking what is good and using it for my new website.
I have just taken a quick look at your websites. I would work on the one that you feel most drawn to right now. I suppose both meditating and mindfulness will be very relevant to you at this time, so you could re-read your blogs, perhaps update them adding a few new images, and probably absorb some of your own advice.
I will write again in the evening. Busy now for the rest of the day. We are having a late birthday celebration for my grandson who came back from university yesterday - he is up in Durham - and his birthday was the day before an exam, so there was no chance for him to celebrate.
Just want you to know that I do appreciate your Sunday blogs.
Take care.
Isabella, thank you so much for this, it is so very useful, not yet made my mind up as to which website to concentrate on, but what you say is so very useful.
Hope that the birthday party went well, a very good University is Durham, so I am told.
Be happy,
Thank you, Stuart. We had a nice afternoon and then had a lovely dinner at a nearby country pub.
Yes, Durham is among the top UK Universities. Both my daughter and my son-in-law were there. But post-Covid it's a bit overcrowded. That's because when there were no actual 'A' levels, with teacher assessments only, lots more pupils got the top grades than the university had expected, so they ended up having to take more students than anticipated.
It definitely sounds like you'll be busy this coming week. Make sure you've not only set up the SatNav but that it's also charged when you set off for your holiday. If it's just been sitting inside it'll lose charge.
And with any luck the weather should be reasonably ok for you to get out in the garden.
It will be interesting to hear what you have decided about the PLR content and your sites.
Wishing you a good week,
Thanks, Isabella,
Pleased that everything went off OK today.
I am slowly charging up the sat nav, that is what was really wrong with my old one, never used for years and so very flat.
Since I did my blog, I have found another course on PLR which I have, so might do them both first.
Been away for too long I think, my mind is just muddled at the moment.
May you also have a great week.
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All of us who read your weekly blog here Stuart and are true readers, certainly don't mind about you mentioning your dear wife whenever you like to......
This is and will never be an issue ok....
Love your plans for moving forward and I wish you all the very best with them.... especially the AGM at the club!!
Hi Jessie,
Many thanks for this, the more that I think about it, the more I realise that I was rather low, or feeling sorry for myself, for which I sincerely apologise, I would never have coped as well as I did without every ones fantastic support.
Humble apologies to all.
Absolutely no need to apologise at all Stuart!!
We are all here to help you get through this trying time in your life...
Take care buddy and reach out whenever you need to ok! :-)
Thanks Jessie, it is at times like this that I realise just how lucky I am with the fantastic support at the WA!:-)
God Bless
Most welcome my dear friend...