You Must Share.What? Your Story!
Something I have learned while on this online journey is that in the end you have to be YOU! However, if we do not know who we really are in this online world then it's hard for others to know who we are and what we do.
It's true... I continue to push my boundaries daily and step outside my comfort zone to share my story and I love to help others to do so as well.
So this message is for my newbies...well it can be for those of us who've been at this for a while as well.
Do not worry that everything you teach or promote has been “done before".
Do not think you have nothing new to add to the conversation, or that everyone has “heard it all before”.
This kind of thinking is the number one killer of new individuals, entrepreneurs and businesses. It is absolutely not true.
You are you and there is no one truer than you. It's through your story that others will want more of you.
YOU are your brand!!!
You will appeal to your audience different than someone else would because people are connected to people.
So what’s the lesson here? First, there is absolutely room for you.
But let’s take a closer look. If you really think about it, you will have “competitors” but not one will be as unique as YOU!.
We all are very, very different, and because of that, we can all appeal to completely different audiences.
Always to your success,
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Hi @MMarcus. Not sure why every time I post a blog it looks as if I have just joined. I have been with WA for many years now. I am not as active as I am out online in other ventures. But I do live me some WA :)-Wink! Oh and still thanks for the welcome... as well as a welcome to YOU!
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True Story. You are holding yourself back from being YOU! I even used a pseudonym on my first website, but now it is me... all me.