5 Articles Ranked In The Top 5 by Yahoo and Bing

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Needless to say, I cracked the code to Ranking in the top 5. I have been getting back-to-back rankings instantly after I publish an article. I double-check them throughout the week to confirm that they are still in the Top 3. And yes days and weeks later some of them are still #1.

There are a lot of variables in play that I cannot explain or control. However, I can control the keywords and the keyword phrases that go into my articles. SO what do I do now? Just keep writing.

As we were taught in the training, I find the keywords with the highest search average. and I match them with the lowest QSR. The difference now is that I am not stopping with 1 or 2 keywords or key phrases.

My main title has the lowest QSR with the highest SEO out of all of my selected keywords. Then I select my subtopics to be the highest Traffic with the highest SEO. In my paragraphs, if I can blend well some keywords or keyphrases I select the ones with high traffic and low QSR.

As you can see the ones I checked off are some of the keywords and phrases in my article. The Lowest QSR I could find was 35 So I used that one as a subtopic in the article. The second-lowest one was 42. Both key phrases had an SEO of 98 but the second-highest choice was vague enough to be inclusive for the first choice to be included. I selected 4 or 5 other sub-topics then I started writing.

To keep my keywords from being perceived as forced I would write the sentence or paragraph out then substitute certain words to give way for keywords with high traffic. After ensuring the highest traffic keywords were included in the article. I proofread it to make sure it made sense. Then I added some images and published the article.

When I check to see where it is placed, I find the top spot is selected. The good part about the way I pulled this off allows me to now be able to go back and select words or phrases I did not use as titles or subtopics in the new articles as topics or subtopics.

As I hone this as a new skill set I will be monitoring the increase in organic traffic to my site. While I add so many more affiliate links to my site to support the new content I am going to see how much of a game-changer this will be for me.

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Recent Comments


Wonderful, Congratulations! :)

thank you very much

Congratulations on a great job :-)

thank you very much

Great technique here, Rev.
Glad it's working well for you.
All the best.

I am headed in the right direction for sure. Thank you for your support. I look forward to showing some serious numbers in the next week or two

Well done, looks like you have it nailed.

Next week, I will review my statistics compared to last month. I should see drastic changes in my organic traffic

Very good technique and thank you for sharing.

Thank You very much for the compliment. If I can rank 100% of the time doing this I can see a very different direction for this niche

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