About prgmmgr
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144 followers Joined May 2014
Hi, everybody! I'm pretty much a newbie to Internet marketing, though I've been in sales for over 35 years. I'm very much looking forward to





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

I'm trying to put a couple of Amazon products on my site, and the Associates Links page gave me five lines of HTML code to incorporate into my website code. Is there another way

I usually grab the url address from my browser of whatever product I'm promoting and either link it to the image of the product and/or to specific text within my content. Make sure your affiliate id is a part of the url so you get credit for any referrals. If you're logged into your Amazon associates account then the affiliate id should be embedded already but still double check. That's just how I do it at least.

Hope this helps!

Thank you so much! I'll try this out right away and let you know how it works for me!

No problem, let me know :)

I did copy and paste the URL from the browser to my post, and it wouldn't link up. Then I went to my Associates page and followed their instructions under Recommended Links. After customizing their HTML to my specs, I highlighted, copied and pasted the entire HTML into the TEXT of my post (text tab). It provided both the pictures of the books and links to Amazon for purchase. Thanks again for your help, it was an excellent springboard into the process.

Glad you figured something out!

When you copy and paste the URL to your page, does it actually link up when you click on it?

So I just realized that I was very vague when I gave you those instructions, my fault. This is what I do:

1. I search/find the product I'm looking to promote
2. Click on the top left menu where it says "Link to this page"
3. In the "Customize and Get HTML" window, I click "text only" and then click the hyper link in in the preview box (box #2).
4. This link opens up a new page-- this is the url that I use that has my affiliate id in it

It's been a while since I've done this so I forgot that I used to take a few steps to get there!

Alright. When I add product links to other pages and posts, I'll use this method. Thanks again!

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How to link amazon products to pages and posts?

How to link amazon products to pages and posts?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

I'm trying to put a couple of Amazon products on my site, and the Associates Links page gave me five lines of HTML code to incorporate into my website code. Is there another way

I usually grab the url address from my browser of whatever product I'm promoting and either link it to the image of the product and/or to specific text within my content. Make sure your affiliate id is a part of the url so you get credit for any referrals. If you're logged into your Amazon associates account then the affiliate id should be embedded already but still double check. That's just how I do it at least.

Hope this helps!

Thank you so much! I'll try this out right away and let you know how it works for me!

No problem, let me know :)

I did copy and paste the URL from the browser to my post, and it wouldn't link up. Then I went to my Associates page and followed their instructions under Recommended Links. After customizing their HTML to my specs, I highlighted, copied and pasted the entire HTML into the TEXT of my post (text tab). It provided both the pictures of the books and links to Amazon for purchase. Thanks again for your help, it was an excellent springboard into the process.

Glad you figured something out!

When you copy and paste the URL to your page, does it actually link up when you click on it?

So I just realized that I was very vague when I gave you those instructions, my fault. This is what I do:

1. I search/find the product I'm looking to promote
2. Click on the top left menu where it says "Link to this page"
3. In the "Customize and Get HTML" window, I click "text only" and then click the hyper link in in the preview box (box #2).
4. This link opens up a new page-- this is the url that I use that has my affiliate id in it

It's been a while since I've done this so I forgot that I used to take a few steps to get there!

Alright. When I add product links to other pages and posts, I'll use this method. Thanks again!

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