Creating Independence
One hurricane after another, leaving destruction in their wake.
A major earthquake, with hundreds dead, and the toll still rising.
World leaders jousting, with possible nuclear war lying in the balance.
What is happening in the world?
It kind of makes me feel like living on my own island, or on a mountaintop somewhere, but where in the world is safe?
More than ever, this is the time we need independence. We're working here, learning how to build something which will give us that independence.
We also need to maintain strong human bonds, another important element of existence in this forum.
Help is here, when we need it. Relationships are being created.
Of course, we're going to need an intact power grid, unless we can hook into some kind of satellite internet from out in space somewhere.
We need a place to power up our computers.
One day, man will have the knowledge and the technology to control the weather.
One day, God willing, man will evolve into a species capable of peacefully coexisting.
Until then, we can continue to strive to develop our own independence and human bonds, right here in this microcosm of a troubled larger world.
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Yes, my heart is breaking when I hear news from Mexico. So many people...
And I can't stop thanking God for you people there in Florida. It could have been much, much worse.I thank my beautiful brain which protects me from thinking any further...
How rightly you put it here - independence and strong human bonds. It's what we really need in life, more than anything else.:)))
It's something to strive for, Vera! :)))
Yes, and something of this we already have...:))))