This question deserves a Blog Post!

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Hey Community

I have come across a question in my head that I am sure many of the members here have.

1.I have went through the training here at WA

2.I have roughly 18 posts on my niche site ( about fasting, health and dieting

3.I have developed a brand (somewhat) and made a fb page, done some pinterest, insta etc.

My question or concern is

I feel I want to start a blog with just my own I find that chasing money and worrying about analytics has caused me to fall out of love with writing about fasting and health...strictly for profit...Which I have yet to see any.

I am currently on my own conquest to become a better human...physically and emotionally. Also tackling getting rid of some vices in order become a superhero to my wife and children.

What I want...I think...

I want to write about my journey - not just fasting and health but getting rid of vices, "how to" type things, half marathon training, eating right - everything that goes a long with an average guy on a path to become "super". - I am wanting to write for "me" and not worry about money - I think this will change everything...I hope.


So my question...should I keep "The Fasting Place" and just rebrand it a bit and go on with my new inspirations? Or do you guys think start fresh with

No judgements and no criticism here. I just want some help. I have been stuck not writing anything because of this dilemma. And I totally haven't used the most wonderful tool here...THE COMMUNITY!

Return the Favor

I would be happy to help anyone with similar problems or questions. Just shoot me a message.

Any and all help will be extremely beneficial. I thank you in advance, and I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend. Please comment if you want direct message me as well.


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Wow, thought provoking post!. Since you can have mulitple sites here at WA, Why not have two?. Here's my reasoning: 1. You could start the new site focused on the new you, which will give you a greater sense of meaning and purpose when it comes to writing.

2. Keeping the fasting place site has it's benefits...since the fasting niche has become more common especially with intermittent fasting becoming popular. So what you could do is continue to write for this site when you can, start seeing some revenue and then hire a content writer from your earnings. That way you are not only making revenue while working on your second site, but you have now become a job creator for someone else which can provide a greater sense of purpose.. Just a thought!

BTW, Great job on putting the site together and your well written posts. Much success to you!

Thank you for the kind words. Much appreciated and your advice is spot on. I truly am grateful for the comment.

And thank you for the kudos on my site.


I think I have been here before(though not exactly the same).

Some months ago, I started to consistently write articles for cryptocurrency start ups(strictly for the cash) but then I lost my vibe, followings and muse for churning out good poems and flash fictions on my Facebook account.

What I did?

I carried out an analysis on myself and determined which is important at the moment -money or passion?

I can see you really care about becoming a SUPER human for your family and that's where your niche is, I think...go for it!

Don't worry about the money. Pick those new inspirations and chase your passion.
If you do, I think the money will pursue you -pants down!


Thanks for the great advice. Everything I was looking for. I appreciate it man. If you need anything let me know!


Without exception its always best to go with something you have experience and knowledge of.

This way you can write with some authority and this will come across to your readers as someone who knows what they are talking about.
People have to trust you.

I would go with what you feel you believe is the right course of action.
Enjoy your Friday and the weekend to come.
By the way I am going to publish a blog within WA on Branding before I sign of tonight.

Thanks Robert,

You just confirmed what I was thinking. Hope you had a great weekend.


No probs and don't overthink stuff or you will be sitting around doing nothing at all.
Go with your gut.
Enjoy your Monday.

Most members have multiple sites/niches that they maintain after a while. I do. I have a vanity website which I use for my freelance writing business. I also have marketing blog, a few financial blogs, and a data science blog.

As for losing interest with your health niche due to chasing stats and money, stop doing those things. Become an authority in those niches and the money will follow. Add value and don't worry so much about the money aspects. Have fun with your niche (health) and forget about the money for now.

Just my two cents!
Best Regards,


Much appreciated. I love the kind words and great advice. Just what I was looking for. Thanks again.


I think you should keep your current blog, Nic ... you've already put a lot of work into it, and blogs gain SEO traction with age.

Just gradually start expanding your subject matter with topics that are loosely connected, including writing about your own experiences (it will help you connect with your readers).

I've seen many blogs that started out in a rather small niche, and gradually grew into more diversified content.



Best comment ever!

Thank you. This is just what I wanted to hear. I appreciate the kind words. Please let me know if you need anything in the future. I would be more than happy to help.


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