Happy Thanksgiving!: The Power of Being Thankful

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Dear Wealthy Affiliate Family,

We celebrate Thanksgiving today in the United States of America. A day that the first pilgrims traditionally gave thanks to God for a good harvest. What a wonderful day to have and one I wish we had in every country in the world!

What Am I Grateful for?

For ALL of you guys! For Kyle and Carson and their commitment day in and day out to keep Wealthy Affiliate.com a state-of-the-art platform for digital marketers around the world and for keeping the subscription affordable. For Jay and his wonderful training modules. For all of you wonderful, inspiring bloggers, and for the fantastic tech support we have 24/7!

A thankful heart is needed to achieve success. It harbors the right emotions, helps us overcome fear of failure and through this positive mindset, we attract abundance, which is positive energy.

What CAN We ALL Do to Show Gratitude?

Get your Bootcamp sites ready and pretty-looking to make big sales tomorrow during Black Friday weekend.Create your best-ever campaign to sell big-time and share in the comment area of your fellow Bootcampers to help them. We show gratitude when we pay it forward.

If you want to help me, mine is brand new and you can find it in my profile under my own very name! This means I am giving it all to my WA bet. I need your support and a final push! :)

Happy Thanksgiving to you all and all the blessings in the world for a thriving online business!!!


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Happy Thanksgiving to you Paula 😊

Thank you! We spent the day at Grandma's. My girls ADORE her! Remember, money is a positive energy. We only attract it when we develop a thankful attitude :)

Happy Thanksgiving, Paula!

Hi Lenka, my friend! Have a great day in beautiful Europe :)

I try to start everyday with gratitude to God for all my blessings. I have a roof over my head, food to eat, and a bed to sleep in. I am wealthy!
Thanks for reminding us to be grateful.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

I do the same thing, Barb! Since I was 18, I start my day with a half-hour meditation, typically reading the Bible. And I teach my girls to be thankful too. It clears the heart from all the junk! :)

You are most welcome! Now off to celebrate it with John's family in Wauwatosa! Great turkey buffet dinner! Well-deserved after so much work. BTW, those of you generous enough to leave a comment on my site, rest assured I have all my legal disclaimers in a folder as Fleeky recommended and will link it to a widget before I launch my campaign. KICK BUTT, guys! We've got what it takes to do this! :)

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