Finding My Purpose in Life

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Finding my purpose in life has always been a challenge. As I’m getting older, it’s becoming much clearer though. There comes a time when you understand what it is and that you knew it all along.

Your purpose isn’t always your profession, but it’s something you enjoy doing even if you don’t get paid for it. My understanding is that me and everyone else doesn’t have one purpose or passion. But, there is a primary one.

Don’t waste your life figuring out what your purpose is. Because, it’ll happen naturally, and for most people it won’t be shocking but subtle.

Having One or More Purposes in Life

Yes, you probably have more than one purpose. Even though there are a few that only think they have one purpose and dedicate their whole life to it.

For me, this is narrow-mindedness and not taking the opportunity to explore other avenues in life is wrong. I know personally, as should everyone else, that we should help others. Some people are only out for themselves.

I’ve explored and am still exploring avenues or paths that I could take. Fortunately, here at Wealthy Affiliate I’m finding one of the right paths I should be on. I feel it in my heart.

Your Purpose May Not be Your Current Profession

I’m sure some of you may remember the movie, ‘Flashdance.’ She was a welder by day and a dancer by night.

I’m a computer support technician by day, but I enjoy affiliate marketing, designing web pages, search engine optimization, and currently taking art classes at night. These are just a few of the things I have a passion for.

My dream is to work from home and earn money from those things I do outside of my day job, which I’m an amateur at right now. With time and practice, I’ll define my major passion and delve into niches and sub-niches of the other minor things I have a passion for.

I do like computer support, but I don’t think it’s my main passion or purpose in life. My gut tells me sometimes that there is something more. At close to the age of 60, I’m not giving up on my dreams and still have a long way to go.

Seek and Ye Shall Find

There have been times I seek half-heartedly and never find. But there are other times that some purposes and people have found me.

Too, I believe people come in to and go out of your life for a reason. For me, I’ve never had a mentor. Currently, I’m doing reciprocal work with a life coach, and I consider her a great advisor and guide. Since we’re close to the same age, I don’t really consider her a mentor, and we’ve never met personally.

Knock and the door will be opened. In consideration of that, doors have closed on me while other doors have opened. It’s difficult when too many doors open all at once, and you have to decide which one to go through.

You Know Your Purpose but May Not Realize It

Look at what you’ve been doing for most of your life. This may be kind of hard if you are only in your teens or twenties.

Think of the things you did that made you happy, but also make sure they’re ethical. You may be doing something right now that is your purpose and not realizing that it is.

You’ll have a warm and fuzzy feeling inside usually. This isn’t always the best way you need to feel for succeeding though. For the most part, you need to push yourself out of your comfort zone and get out of fear.

This is sometimes the path to success and not always in line with your purpose. Even though, one or more of your purposes will come into play later.

How You’ll Know What Your Purpose Is

I can’t really say for everyone how they’ll feel when knowing their purpose. It may hit you with aha moments or ever so subtly.

I find meditation and/or prayer helps. Some of the steps I use are focused breathing, closing my eyes, putting my hand over my heart, and thinking of things I have done or still do that brings joyous tears to my eyes.

One of my purpose is to be happy. Honestly, I think you’ll know deep down inside when you’ve found it.

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Recent Comments


Life's big questions, a beautiful answer. Thank you.

"Don’t waste your life figuring out what your purpose is. Because, it’ll happen naturally, and for most people it won’t be shocking but subtle." Yes!

Thank you for the positiveness, Emma!
People like you make WA awesome.
All the best!

I have read the post with deep interest. I think to share your opinion fully. What is shaking my base is, the difficult part of identifying what it is. Still searching. I have had to shut my door for a while. Thanks for sharing.

It's something you may have already achieved or something yet to come.
All the best!

Searching to pick back what is inert.

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