One door closes, another opens


"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us."
— Helen Keller

"Today I close the door to the past, open the door to the future, take a deep breath, step on through and start a new chapter in my life."

— Unknown Author

For many of us, Wealthy Affiliate was like a new beginning. My chapter started in July 2015, and it has been 7 months.

My journey has had its ups and downs but I am still going strong.

For all those following me, how is it going for you? how long have you been here? and are you where you thought you would be? what were your challenges?

Keep Smiling,


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Recent Comments


Definitely has had its ups and downs Pat. Like us all I suspect, especially for the long haul grinders. Think it was one of your great posts , believe in your self, that keeps me going really good grist for the mill. WA pays dividends on so many levels that is the cool thing about the place.
After awhile, at WA it's not so much about doors closing as rushing up and opening them wide.

You have a great point there Alexander. WA builds so many skills other than building a website, and you don't realize it while it is happening in the beginning.

Great blog Pat.
I am going on 7 months too. I am moving a little slow but am learning so much and a little more then I thought.

Such a great community and have met many many great people from all walks of life, with some very nice positive attitudes and very talented too!

I have accomplished some very good things, and then some..

Blessings to you Pat!

Linda :-)

Yes, we are in the same boat. great community and always positive encouragement. :)

Hello pat and that is so true when my oil field door closed then the WA door opened and I think the hardest thing has been learning to do something completely different - like writing!!!!

And we know that you have that down now!! Way to go!

Yes, a lot of ups and downs, too long to detail out. A bit slow but getting there. Cannot give up for the sake of all my friends here at WA who have given me a lot of help and encouragement. Thank you.

I hear you Achuthan, Maybe find someone that is doing well on their site and have them offer some suggestions on what you can do now to improve. Always good to have fresh eyes on your site. Just a thought. Pat

Yes, I will do that. Great suggestion. Thank you.

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. We just need to find the right door. Nice post.

Nice it!

That the best way to see things ups an downs.

A well rounded perspective, the good and the bad.

Interesting perspective. Nice post

Thanks Jay

Yes many ups and down, but determination has got me going. some website themes are more challenging than others. I feel that I am never happy with the theme I choose. I once again want to change it, but leaving it for now and concentrate on content.
Much success to you

Yes, I have that issue... not a lot of them have the features that I wanted all in one. I hopped around at 4 different themes. Very time consuming as you need to adjust everything all over again. All the best, Pat

Great thoughts on the subject of misfortunes. Well, sometimes we believe they are misfortunes or missed opportunities but, in reality, they are often a Godsend. I recently had some doors close on me, and then I got this remarkable opportunity, which turns out to be an even better blessing. Thanks for sharing some light on the subject.


Hi James, I believe everything happens for a reason and most closed doors are blessings in disguise. It only takes time to come to see it as such. All the best to you! Pat

Hi Pat! My Wealthy Affiliate journey started two months ago.I am very happy to be here.This is the first time I have built a website.I am still working on it. I have no traffic right now but I hope to have in progress of time.I look forward to sharing my success story one day...

Welcome Holly, it is definitely a one step at a time kind of thing. Continued progress to you with your site. I look forward to your success blog as well.

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