The Ahrefs Webmaster Tools (Free For Website Owners)
This short post is to share a new release from Ahrefs, the Ahrefs Webmaster Tools.
I think is a cool addition to your arsenal of SEO tools and is free.
Just to let you know, I am a big fan of Jaaxy and Ahrefs too, I also tested SEMRush, Serpstat and many others, but for ease of use I will always stay with the first (aside that as a member of WA I don't pay for the lite version and gives me a ton of features, and for data analysis complementing I stay with the second.
There are no affilaite links in this post, just references, in compliance with WA TOS.
What Is Ahrefs Webmaster Tools (AWT)?
So this cloud software is simply the opening of two of the main Ahrefs features for paid users, to verified-website users for free.
These tools are:
1. Site Explorer
Site explorer analyzes any website key metrics such as backlink profile, organic search and paid search rankings, and displays it with accurate data tabs and graphs.
I searched Amazon for this example, but you should do it with any site (for instance your competitors).
2. Site Audit
Helps you audit your website for SEO issues
Both these tools are really neat.
AWT ads to GSC (Google Search Console)
One cool thing about AWT is that provides additional data to that provided from Google Search Console.
In other words, this is sort of Google Search Console but ran by Ahrefs and they provide their metrics from a huge database.
Not to ignore in my opinion, and also I like the visual data provided, I think is really sleek.
Below is a comparison table from the Ahrefs Wembaster Tools sign up page.
They also feature in this page a demo video that explains better than me how AWT works.

AWT is Easy to Sign Up And Verify Your Site
As you can see in the demo video, it is very easy to sign up and verify your websites, there are several methods, but linking to your GSC login is the easiest.
So go ahead and check this out.
I think is an outstanding addition to any online entrepreneur toolset, like I said, I personally add everything I can that is worth it (again, in my opinion).
Also know that these are free tools, but there is obviously a promotional intention in Ahrefs in opening them up for the webmasters community for free.
So expect to receive other offers as well, I am not aware of it exactly as I am a paid user already, but I can figure out that you will see the other functions in the plaftorm and they will be blocked.
Going for paid features is something that you have to assess, my personal opinion is that it is a great complement, but that is my own decision.
So what do your think?
Please like and share your feedback if you experience the free-tool or if you have experienced it already before.
Thank you for reading!
Recent Comments
I have to hold my hand up and say I hate Google Search Console. I don't find it intuitive. I hate following tutorials on it because the one I have come across are not right up to date and so the scree doesn't look the same. I think its a worry that I have that I will find things wrong, but not understand what to do to put it right. I also find that trying to do any sort of testing is complicated. I run a website for a doctor and its not easy to find out if the advertising is having a positive result. I wonder if Ahrefs will be better. Ill go along and see. Thanks for the blog.
Yeah, Google Search Console slacks a bit. But is necessary to be connected.
Don't give up on GSC and learn it at your pace. Use AWT as a complement and see how it feels.
I'm just starting to build my own website and I actually have know idea what other tools I need aside from what's provided here in WA. But I would keep a note about this AWT as I might need it later.
Thank you for sharing Pablo!~^
Pleasure Rose.
You have everything you need at WA. As you move forward and get more knowledge you will find tools that will help you.
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Thanks for this, I didn't know Ahrefs had a free tool available to website owners. How did you get the video added to your post? I have been trying to do that but it won't let me. This is great BTW
Hi Eugene,
Thanks for the comments.
Actually I just cut a screenshot and insert the image. In fact all of them are screenshots inserted.
I really didnt know, there is no option to put a link on the images, but somehow they are linking to the same link added in my post to text.
Seems thats the way it works and since you mention it I found out.
By the way, I didnt know either, it was released recently.