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I have been a yearly member and did pretty good. Although I am not a great writer I enjoy the marketing and reselling part of it all.

I am going to try to put a webstore together here. Incorporate blog and reviews on products I sell.

Not sure if it will work for me as I get overwhelmed on WA.

I ask that you don't get offended if I don't answer back sometimes right away. I am a workaholic and believe I need to accomplish something everyday before I can just chat.

I really don't mean to be rude I just take my work seriously.

I am happily married (16yrs.) and have 5 children which are all grown and have their own families. I have 11 grandchildren ages 21-6 years of age. They all keep me busy!

For my full time work I am a school bus driver. I have a fairly normal schedule during the winter months. Although I do have the summer off their is no income. This means the pocket book is tight. "Just sayin".

I am excited to be back and try another round at WA. I really enjoyed this program and know I will again. I learned a lot and enjoyed the trainings and platform immensely.

Just want to say a big Thank you to Carson and Kyle along with all that helped me with issues. I look forward to reconnecting with a lot of you and also meeting new ones as well.

Great luck in your journeys at WA everyone. With that said. Have a wonderful Day!


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Wish you every success with your new venture, sounds like a good plan

Thanks KatieMac. Nice to hear from you.

Hi, Sherrie, best of luck with your proposed webstore but wouldn't a website also help in promoting the products you sell, or is a webstore just a different name for a website?

I am going to incorporate products with a short blog giving information on my products. Hope it works. Thanks for the encouragement.

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