Knock Em Dead, Kid!

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Just wanted to drop a quick post while I'm waiting for Jay's live class to drop.

One thing I LOVE about WA is the level of training we have access to. And one thing I hate about WA is... the level of training we have access to. LOL

What I mean is I found that it is quite easy to get overwhelmed with everything. Case in point: I have really been digging into Keyword Research lessons. And it can get quite complicated fairly quicky. QSR this, AVG that. This number is good. That number is bad. It's a lot to take in.

But, I found a silver lining...

If you have not done so, I strongly recommend taking Jay's class, Discovering Keywords Within WA Hubs (

He really did wonders for me boiling this process down to it's essence. Of course, there's much more to learn, but the thing that was an absolute lifesaver was his "new site" strategy.

  1. Look at the list of suggested articles in your Hub.
  2. Pick one... any one.
  3. If the Jaaxy QSR is less than 50, write it.
  4. Rinse and repeat -- knock em out until you have published 100 articles on your site.

It doesn't get any easier than that!

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The training here is never ending James!!

Just keep it simple... learn something new each and every day and implement what you have learnt!

We can go back over the lessons and training as many times as we need to! :-)

Thanks for sharing, James!

I sometimes struggle with what our HUBs develop for ideas for pages or posts.

I missed this one from Jay, so I will check that out!

Press on, Sir!

The lower the QSR, the better (AVG >30, SEO >95 for starter sites). Also, you should have checked the comp on Google Page 1 before settling on your keywords.

Thank you, James!


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