Intellect and Professionalism: Does Extensive Use Of A Strong Vocabulary Hurt Or Help Your Website?
To answer this question directly, I am leaning towards the word hurt. I say this because we need to think about the population average education in this world of 7 billion plus people. I'm not totally saying you can' t integrate your intellect into your blog, but do it very seldom. I'm not going to say I'm stupid, but I'm not a genius either so when I think of a strong word I get excited. Now, with that being said, if you gaze through my site, you can observe that I rarely use big words that may be confusing to some people.
I look at the site as keeping the content as simple and comprehensible as possible. I realize my niche isn't' aren't teenagers and below, but you can't sit there and tell me that you don't see strange individuals on a daily basis wherever you hail from. You probably have a smirk on your face right now don't you? To be blunt, there are a lot of stupid people in this world.
Now, I'd like some feedback from you all? I'm really interested in getting different perspectives on this topic. Please be elaborate and detailed. Better yet, if you have a humorous or funny experience to share with us, have at it! That would be very informative and fun. Fun is my middle name, and I think we remember more and learn more through fun and creative events. That's another topic I'll have to get into., So...........It's our turn!
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Since you don't know what type of people will be reading your post, you should write in a way that is understandable to vast majority of people who may read your blog. One of the exceptions to this is a technical niche that may appeal to more specialized audience. Thanks.
Really depends on your niche and audience, If your niche follows the not so "advanced" audience them its only proper to go easy on strong vocabulary, this might hurt your site. If you feel that the audience is is more advanced but depending on your niche, then you may also advance your voc.
Though it is good to note that people will sometimes wish to venture on fields they're not familiar with and so simplicity becomes a major factor. When you're addressing medical experts on your website, you should note that not all people reading this have gone through medical school and that those who haven't may actually be more interested in your content Nik.
I only hope I'm correct
I think it depends on your audience. Most posts, I use simple words and clear examples. However if I believe the audience to be more educated, I will write using more technical terminology. I will also use simple examples and language to introduce more technical terms on educational posts.
Unfortunately you are writing about something that sickens me to my soul...especially in the United States of America. A teacher for twenty years before I retired I will tell you some things I know to be true :
Reading fiction and non-fiction books are rare for most people.
Most seniors in high school read below a sixth grade level.
Writing is a lost art.
Emotionalism has replaced intellectualism.
I refuse to lower my standards for people who are uneducated and lost in pot smoke.
In high school we had to read "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand, now they read books that are more comic books than anything.
I quit making superman and batman my hero's when I was twelve years our people are immersed in fantasy instead of reality.
I most certainly concur with your perspective based on your comment. I don't like lowering my standards but as you state, most seniors read at a 6th grade level. If this is true and our business is acquiring traffic, we must lower our standards to reach our audience; otherwise, a good portion of our readers might not comprehend the message or product reviews we analyze through our website. Right?
I agree with you 100% Wayne, but we are on here to make a successful and financial stable life on here aren't we? Thanks for your comment.
Good luck, and I wish you well with your progression on your upcoming successful site.
I won't make money off pseudo intellectuals...I will bring them up to my level and then with happiness make money knowing I made the world a better place...Mac
thanks for this nikolai,
i don't think people are stupid, they just want to be edutained - entertained and educated. they don't want to think too nuch and usually read blogs while relaxing. if you can write in a style that is entertaining and will educate them you have cracked it.
the tool i use to gauge my writing is
this gives a readability score. don't let that get too high or they will disappear.
as you say if you tell a story then they remember - as it always has been!!!!
have fun
Thanks for the post and knowledge Phil. I'm going to check out that app most definitely. Good Luck buddy.
I have to agree with you Nikolai, unless you are writing for an intellectual audience, then your content should be in fairly simple words and phrases. It's been said that you ought to aim for readers to have the ability of an average 13-year old, regardless of who your audience is.
The acronym 'KISS' springs to mind - Keep It Simple, Stupid!
A great post, thanks :)
I love the acronym, and I wish the majority of our population had motivation in becoming more educated. I try to learn something new everyday no matter if it's learning how to tie a new knot or learn how to write in a passive voice. Stupid examples, but you catch my drift.
Thanks for the comment Jude ;)
I'm the same, every day I like to learn something new - ok, a lot of it is useless facts, but you know what, I love it!
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You have to determin1. the nature of the product you are selling and
2 The demographics and background of your target audience
Get a match and tailor your vocab accordingly.