Just joined
I am seriously amazed and already in love with this place! Everyone here is so nice and willing to offer their help and support, this truly means a lot to me since I never really considered Internet Marketing until now.
In just one day I learned an incredible amount of things about the matter, following the available lessons step by step. Everything is explained quite clearly and I feel like I might really reach the results I'm looking for at some point. At least my hopes for this are quite high right now.
I still have a lot to read and watch, but I can't even remember the last time I felt so motivated and excited!
Thank you guys!
Recent Comments
Way to be excited. That's what it's all about. You have to see the long term vision, in order to make the short term sacrifices. What got you interested in internet marketing? What are you're plans?
I talked with a friend about this who actually decided to join the site a few days before me. My Country is currently struggling and any kind of job seems to be literally out of reach. I am looking for something that might give me a decent income writing about something I love, but also to gain some marketing and blogging experience since I've got none. Learning new useful stuff is always great!
Okay fair enough. Makes sense. Happy to have you here.
I'm truly sorry to hear that your country is experiencing economic struggles. The job search is painful to many. I assure you that your person determination is a most powerful resource.
I truly wish you all the very best. No doubt earning a living online is dream to many, and it's one I hope you can realize.
Power to you for seeing the importance of learning. Learning takes great time and effort, and it allows us to see a larger more empowering vision, and tap into our potential. Understanding marketing and sales is a really big deal. Keep up the good work, don't give up.
Always remember to ask questions. Sometimes this can be really hard. We are all still working at.
Thank you for your kind words!
I agree, learning is the basic thing and it might seriously lead you far away. I personally love learning new stuff, especially when I know it could give me wonderful results.
You are right, I got tired of wasting my time looking for jobs when all I can get (if I can get it) is a three months employment and then I'm back to the starter point. As a Graphic Designer I at least could make some freelance work, but that is definitely not enough.
I wil surely ask questions, there still is a lot of stuff out there to learn and understand!
Awesome Veronica,
We are happy to welcome you to WA and are here to help. WA is the greatest community on the internet for learning & support where we all love to see each other succeed.
Thank You Veronica,
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Welcome to WA. I wish you success.
Thank you so much!!