Street Articles finally approved my article!


After a few long and anxious days, SA FINALLY approved my article! Who hoo!

I am absolutely, shamelessly plugging it here. Please take a look and provide any feedback you think it deserves.

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I read your article and poked a bit around your website, and let me tell you, I was really impressed. First off, you're a great writer and communicator! I believed all that you were saying and you sound like you know a lot.
If I can just add a bit to "Why when attempting self-help do people start off sprinting, but fail to finish the marathon?"
Personally, I think one of the basic reasons for that is fear. People start self help because they honestly do want to change and they're willing to work for it. But after a while, when they answer questions and start understanding more about themselves, they start to get scared. No one wants to admit that there's something wrong with them. No one wants to feel like they're not good enough. I think the same applies to therapy. (I'm talking about people who choose to go.) Someone can actively go to therapy with the intent to make a better life for themselves. They want to get better. But a lot of times, perhaps even six months into the process, they'll decide that their therapist is not good, and they leave to search for a new one. Why? Because when breakthroughs start to happen, people start feeling fear and panic. As you said, they are afraid of change. And they are afraid to allow their inner feelings to come out. So they tell themselves that the therapist is making them feel uncomfortable, and they leave to find the next one. People spend years in therapy, but never get anywhere because they never allow themselves to cross that critical point.
Anyways, your website and article are really good!!
Good luck with everything!

That's very exciting!

Congrats on getting your article published. We are in a similar niche. I enjoyed your article.

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