There's NO deadline to YOUR SUCCESS!
I think I am a glutton for punishment!
I know several close friends and families that would agree with me on that score!
I am already doing so much and now the long-awaited course has started!
Yes, my MSc Advanced Clinical practice has begun.
What is wrong with me?
Be calm
Luckily I am not tearing out my hair!
Neither am I giving rise to the panic that I am deeply feeling!
Instead, I am simply approaching this challenge on a day-to-day basis
I am simply reminding myself that there is no deadline to my success!
Daily challenges and learning
Someone once said that discomfort is a catalyst for growth, and that is exactly how I am feeling in recording my Instagram reels and stories
A month's batches of them!
I am also so proud of the landing page and two thank you pages that I created from scratch last week,
I am having fun while using my creativity to learn and grow!
I have to be proactive to be productive
Am I scared?
Oh yes, I am!
But as the below quote stated, progress is in the hands of those that take bold steps
And each day I am getting better and better as I take each positive risk.

Coaching Launch
I'm happy that I now have two more clients from my coaching launch.
I do know that I have to be more transparent as my niche is very competitive
I am also happy to be starting my email marketing
I am so grateful
So much to do and achieve for the next three months
It does not matter how busy I will be. I will still make time for this beautiful community
As this is where I have started
This community was where I learned how to let go and be more confident
And we should never forget our roots.
So, if you don't see me around much, please remember that I am still lurking around
Until next time
Recent Comments
Simone, I am so delighted that the coaching course you have spoken about for a while has come to fruition. I am sure that you will be successful beyond your wildest dreams. I know this will materialize because you are like a dog with a bone, you never give up. Just one moment while I do a happy dance around the room
Oh Catherine!
You've just described me to a T :)
I'm definitely a dog with a bone
Thank you so much for remembering our earlier conversations
It means so much
I do have to achieve this business vision
I would love to see you doing your happy dance :)
I think not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And of course I remember and cherish our earlier conversations
Hello Simone,
Congratulations on embarking on your MSc Advanced Clinic studies. You are a very busy bee. Kudos to you for fitting in your studies as well as building your businesses.
The concept you brought up about being no deadline to success makes eminent sense. Each of us is unique and has different rates of progress. The important fact is that we are moving closer to our goals daily. Consistent action will work out in time.
I wish you all the success in the world.
Hello Edwin
It is really good to read your response
I have so many passions and I do have to ensure that they are all fulfilled
As they all bounce off each other :)
Your kind support means a lot
You're spot on;
We are all going at different speed and that's nor important
What's important is that we are consistent with our movement
And with that mindset , we can all achieve our goals
Thank you for stopping by
It is always a pleasure hearing from you
From one lurking WA member to another, Congratulations on your progress Simone! You are correct in saying, there's no deadline to your success.
I have often said that success is not a destination but rather the forward motion of one's journey. Just like with life in general, it's a learning experience, a work in progress.
Everyone has there own idea of success. Mine is to have a big house here in the U.S. and another one on a Caribbean island, a yacht, private jet and millions in the bank.
LOL! That's my "Fantasy" of success. My reality is being able to make more money this year than I did the previous, without any of what I mentioned above.
Two years ago I didn't think I would be making more money in affiliate commissions without a website than I had with one. Thanks to Covid, my PPE niche is growing.
With my medical transport job not shutting down like most jobs during the early days of Covid, I saw the immediate need for PPE and found an affiliate program that didn't require a website.
Long story short, had I not recognized the need for PPE or lamented that a website would take too long to build and get indexed, it would have been a missed opportunity.
For me, this was a success. A small success that would lead to other small successes. A string of success. This is why I see success as a journey and having no deadline.
OK. I'm done. I'm going back to lurking. LOL
Took your advice, Rob
Small steps but I'm getting there
Glad you're realising your visualisation and happy living your dream
I didn't know that I could lurk but that's all the time that is permitted to me these days
I am finally growing and getting better and more confident everyday
So many things that I want to complete for my business
As long as I am genuinely changing lives, then my dreams are halfway there
You took a calculated risk and now you're here reaping the awesome benefits :)
It is a pleasure reading your response to my blog
Thank you for stopping by
It was my pleasure Simone. After being a WA Ambassador within the Top 10 for 3+ years, I most definitely do not mind not being in the Top 25 anymore.
Lurking is more rewarding to my bank account because the less time I am active here in WA, the more time I devote to my business and earn money.
There comes a time when we have to let go of the time we spend here and start putting in the time to making that money. Let the newer members become the helpers.
By lurking we will still be able to help and guide when and if we have the time, in a more quiet ambassador role. Just concentrate on your training and business.
That is why we came here in the first place. Right? Much success with your journey forward Simone. Success is what you make of it and on your own timeline.
You couldn't have said it better, Robert
I appreciate your response
Thank you for stopping by
that's brilliant Simone...
both that the cpourse has started - i know you really want to do it...
and the fact you have two more clients...
and you thrive on the's when you do your best work...
good luck with settling into the course, i know you will be stretched, but happy...
You know me so well :).
I do thrive under pressure
Today was the induction and I could feel the excitement building up.again
I really want to complete this course
Your support always means the world to me
Thank you
See more comments
It's so exciting to learn of your new accomplishments and goals, Simone. I don't know how you juggle everything between family, business and school, but it is to be admired. You must be a time management expert lol. Your tenacity and drive will certainly lead you to many more successes! Kudos to you. 😊
Susan, sometimes I don't know either lol
But what I do know is that everything has its place and function
And that's what I use to work with to get success
Time management is a must but I must admit that it is not followed to a T all the time :)
I will agree with you about my tenacity and determination. There's no letting up about that!
I appreciate your ongoing support, Susan
Thank you for your kind words
It means a lot to me
You're most welcome,'ll always have my support. I look forward to hearing about how your Masters is going and all the successes along the way!
Thank you, Susan
It already is shaping up nicely even though it is very intensive
But I am very excited and looking forward in completing each module
I will keep you posted :)
Awesome...I always wanted to do a Masters, so I look forward to hearing how it works out for you. Best wishes :-)
Doing a Master's is very challenging. I will keep you updated as I go on :)
Thank you for your support