Just to make everything clear


You cannot expect any success on a website that you created here. If you do it the way, they want you to , you will get credits. This website gives you information about how to build your own. But,,,it is always behind the times. If you just go about all websites saying that this is great and you get people to sign up,,you get the credits and $$.

This is multilevel marketing at its best.

Much like Amway was in its day,.

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OK, we will not miss you!

There is nobody keeping you here you are here on your own free will. If you figure that you can't you will never will. So why throw rocks. Just step back. Out of 36,000 members, there are going to a few that are not going to make if they have an attitude they can't.

Behind times you are quite wrong there. The right way you might say to build will not change.There is a wrong way and a right way.If you want to make money follow the leaders.

My web page has been updated 4 times since I have been here. You have over 2000 of the most modern themes for the websites to choose from and are being updated constantly.

Kyle just updated his engines to be one of the fastest in technology on the net. Making money yes I guess he is but he is also putting it back into his business.That is muy dear only logic.

Yes, you pay for hosting here and what do you get for it. I will let you figure that out for yourself. Kyle and his team have to work constantly to keep his clients here.

You have the tools and I reat you to find a hosting service that gives you all these tools. I have a friend that had to pour 15,000 into a website. If you have that kind of money go ahead, I don't. good luck to you

Always a better way

I wrote a new blog today. Maybe it will explain things. I had built a website, that everyone said was working but google did not like it. It was about cooking, no biggie. They could never find out why, through the site support, the person that got me here, said to build a new one. If you read my blog today, brand new, you will see what type of problems I have had. Finally I got them resolved. So I am not quitting. I was exasperated. But, now a light at the end of the tunnel. It is multi level marketing, if you choose to promote WA. Again, no big deal. But, I couldn't do anything for a while. Now, I can.

Despite the title, I am not entirely clear... Lol!

I assume you mean being an affiliate for WA. I can't comment on it too much, as I am not following that path, however there are a number of people here finding success with it, so.... *shrug*

You are much better off (IMO) to pursue your own niche.

Have done that. Had it up and running and no one can tell me why it doesnt work. And why google does not trust it.

MLM is a great system and the person invented it had a great foresight. It comes with Pro and Cons.It is not for everyone and it is your choice to do or not to do it. That comes with all in life.
How can you say " you can not be successful, with creating any website here" All is depending on you on your input and creativity and design? You have been given the Tools. Every Training is a guidance and it is up to you to put it into action and add colours and your touch, or you leave it plain and simple.
It is like making a birthday cake, you can keep it plain and simple and follow the instruction or you go out of your way and be creative and use different ideas.
Success is you, and "You decide to be or not to be"

First if all if it is multilevel can you point me to one I hasn't seen it. Guess what. Building a site for affiliates or for reviews .. of any other function is the same when you are building a WordPress site and I can learn to build up to 2 of them for free including hosting and best of all all 27/7 live help from more than 800,000. Can you point to me any other site that offers that kind of help for free. Yes there are fees if you wish to grow deeper. Does WA have a large amount to pay up front like many MLMs? No! Does WA asks you to sell products... no! Yes if you wish you can be a WA affiliate.. nothing wrong with that.

Oh BTW there are many people in MLMs that make money and the difference is YOU. If one fails in anything they usually blame the system. Even direct sales is not for everyone but if you wanted a head start towards making money on the internet this is a good starting place..

Tell me why exactly do you when you out website are behind the times. WordPress is over 70% of the websites in use today and with about 30,000 plugins of extra features it's hardly behind

My wife and I ran an ecommerce store selling hawaii snack items to customers abroad for 8 years and Xmas time was the best. It paid the mortgage and even allowed me two buy Harley. However when local stores finally started to join us it was time to exit. Vohvand knowing when to move in to something else is also a business strategy.

I was once a part of AMWAY but I determined that their products were to loaded to support the compensation plan and I didn't like asking friends to pay a Hugh amount just to join. It is free here.

In AMWAY my support was my upline, here my support is everyone else in WA.

Mine has never been free.

Amway is still a very successful company - multinational company. Any training can be supplemented and is open for contrary opinion I guess, if you must.

Even if you only look at the hosting and the interaction with the community and tech support, there is nothing to compare for someone who knows absolutely nothing even about IM/AM. That's if they offered zero training. This is what you fail to comprehend. This place motivates people to not give up.

Even setting up a WordPress site outside of WA might be prohibitive for some of these fine people. And you want to step on their hopes?

Cowardice and sheer ignorance.

I guess there has to be a troll everywhere.

No troll. Just was dealing with a brand new computer, complete with windows 10 installed. It is much like a cell phone. I had everything running fine. When I started WA in January, I had windows 7, and the hard drive crashed. So, I had to rebuild everything. Then, all of a sudden my emails from here went to my outlook junk mail. No one here could help. And of course how could they. Just saying learning a brand new operating system and learning from here, and could not find what I had done. Was making me crazy. And multi level marketing is fine. I used to sell Pampered Chef. Avon, you name it. Okay?

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