Bill Gates, Thomas Edison and You
As you look at the title of this blog, you're probably thinking....what a strange combination of people!
What do Bill Gates and Thomas Edison have in common with You (or me, for that matter)?
The answer is simple, and it's been told to all of us a million times........We all have the same 24 hours in a day!
So, the question can someone as successfull as Bill Gates, or someone who relentlessly pursued success as Thomas Edison did, accomplish so much when we struggle to find the time to build our businesses?
The answer, in my opinion, lies in that last sentence...."when we struggle to find the time...'
The reality for truly successful people, whether they're mega-successful like Bill Gate and Thomas Edison, or they're successful on a smaller scale in their own personal journey, is that they don't FIND the time....THEY MAKE THE TIME!
A simple example of this is my wife. She wanted to lose some weight and get in better shape. But, as a mother of two, working full time and dealing with a 45 minute commute every day, plus the responsibilities of normal household life, she couldn't get any traction in her pursuit of her goals.
Then, one day, she made a very specific decision....she stopped trying to find the time to workout and she MADE the time to do it!
Every night, religiously, she came home from work, changed into her workout clothes and said.."the next hour I'm not available. I'll be working out and please don't disturb me (unless it's an emergency)."
What began as an initial commitment to start on her path towards her goal, eventually become a lifestyle!
After a week or two, there was no "Mom, can you do this, or honey, I need that". We all knew this was her time and it was absolute!
In a matter of weeks, there was no more discussion about that hour. She attacked her workout and she became excited and more energetic as she started to see results.
So, circling back to Bill Gates, Thomas Edison, my wife and YOU, the power to focus on your WA journey lies in making the decision to FIND THE TIME!!
Now, let's go do it!
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Great motivational and inspirational post, Neil. Thank you for sharing!
Let's make good use of our time every day. :)
Great inspirational and motivational post, Neil!
I set aside most of my day to work on my business, however, I'm still waiting to see a difference.
Barbara, one of the things I love about this WA business and community is that you can see how others have succeeded by doing exactly what you are.,... putting in the work!
Seeing how they succeed helps us know that we can as well!!
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Great thoughts Neil. Thanks for sharing.
I truly appreciate that, Linda!