Slow and Steady!
Hello Everyone!
I've just come to a mini-breakthrough in my thinking in regards to website design. I know Carson has counseled me to ensure that I am promoting my site with off-site content through article sites such as street articles and the like. However I realized that I can't possibly promote my site if it doesn't have much in the way of content so I have not written any street articles to promote at all.
The past week I've been going through a book step by step working on developing a more disciplined lifestyle and I've been chronicling my progress each week through my blog on I've already decided I am going to set a slow steady content creation pace for myself. Now, a few weeks in I've suddenly got content on website that I can write street articles about! :) I am quite excited about this! It is starting to come together for me. I am going to try to use a little of my holiday time outlining the specific topics for the articles (both need to be related to the topic of self-discipline).
The best part is I can continue adding content both on and off of my site and, as I have already covered that topic on my own website, I don't feel as though I am taking away potential content from my website. I've already covered the topic to my own satisfaction on my site.
Thanks for stopping by!
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