Damn You Shiny Object Syndrome
Shiny Object Syndrome (S.O.S.) is an absolute business success killer. How do you suppose I know that? Yep, I have been a sufferer of this exhausting, fruitless plague. The online business world is rife with shiny objects. They are everywhere and if you are not wise to the threat they present you will suffer... and how do you suppose I know that? Right again!
A good friend and successful entrepreneur told me; "You will succeed at what ever the endeavour is that you choose when you focus on it and only it, applying presistent and consistent effort". This quote says it all....
I could prattle on about S.O.S. but the above quote truly says it all. What we have here at Wealthy Affiliate is enough, more than enough to succeed at online business. Pick one single area of interest you want to build your website around, follow the training, ask for help if you need it and DO NOT GET DISTRACTED BY THE S.O.S. MONSTER.
Recent Comments
Hi Myles, looks like you have made the breakthrough, best wishes as you reconnect with your online journey.
There are so many tempting things out there, trouble is we can only do them one step at a time.
Best wishes.
I agree with you 110%, Myles!