And it isn't even indexed yet

blog cover image

(image: Someone surprised)

So I am 3 days into my new blog on hydroponic grow lights for herbs. I took one of my articles and repurposed it on Medium. Nothing is indexed on Google yet, not surprised.

But I went into Chat GPT to get some content to add to a post, and the medium post came up!!!

I created the Medium post through ZimmWriter and then edited it. BTW even after asking ZimmWriter to reduce the grade level from 15-9, it only took it down to 12. So still have lots of editing to do. Still they are looking good as this is showing.

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Be careful with Medium. They have a partner program that promotes Ai, but are against it on their platform. Very strange to be making money on it, and ban it from their platform.

I edit all my posts and it’s just from their partners program. I may not care because I am making pennies and paying $5/mo


I took one of my AI generated articles from my hub, edited it and published it in I just tried doing what you did as far as looking for additional content on ChatGPT and to see if my article would come up as a source at the bottom, but it is not showing me where it got the content from?

How did you get the sources to come up at the bottom?

Very narrow niche and low competition keywords

Okay, thank you. I will keep that in mind.

Looking good, Michael! 👍😎

Frank 🎸

Cool! I will have to explore Medium. I don't now that I have heard of it before. (Probably have but so much flowing in and out these days I can't keep track!)

Thanks for sharing and great job!


This is amazing! I have learned alot on Medium and read alot of articles from different writers about all kinds of topics. I love it. Good for you!!

Yes I discovered them about 6 months ago. I have an article in my cyber blog where the post is ranking #5 and the medium post is #3

I love Medium platform

Yes it gives you valuable traffic and backlinks

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