100, 310, 10,000! What a Month!

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I wanted to get to break even at WA in 18 months. Life gets in the way, but I am still on track to get close to that...

I am at $91 on Amazon Affiliates and 4 days left to the month. So it's possible. $100/mo is close to break even between WA, Invideo, and the YT promotion. My biggest month before this was about $45, not counting book sales.

The YT promotion seems to have been worth it. I just need to learn to do better at it. I think I will make my money back on it. I spent $48 through Friday and I am about $50 ahead of last month so far.

Speaking of YT, my views are going nowhere but up! 310 hours in the last 28 days is on track for monetization. How much of that is the promotion? Not sure but it feels great!

And 10,000 views in the last 28 days is another milestone. Hadn't had more than 7000 before this month.

One thing I did differently is create multiple videos a week on this channel. I need to ramp up my game here. Learn new skills and apply them. That's really the game here. Learn, apply, get better.

Onward! Still one month left until 18 months!


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Recent Comments


Love everything about this... Small wins add up to huge ones as you can see. I remember my first commission like it was yesterday..a whopping .49 cents but it was like a million to me, proof my business was beginning. Keep crushing it and please keep sharing. You are inspiring so many!

I just started on a new subniche and blogged about it. This month will not be a great month for $$. I may break $30 on 15 sales. But it's definitely heading in the right direction.

Good morning Michael,

That's great to hear; I'm really pleased for you; it's amazing what we can achieve when we put our minds to something and follow the training!

It's also good to hear that your YouTube channel is growing and that you're getting close to being monetised. Consistency is definitely key in the Internet marketing game.

I wish you continued success and thank you for sharing your story.



Yes, isn't it? Just keep improving and eventually, if you can take advantage of an opportunity things happen!

Also know it is the season...

Fantastic results Michael. I'm so glad it is working for you, but it does enforce the maxim that we all need to refine our skills, and that includes me, who has been doing it for decades. I have set aside about 5-6 hours a week to just learn in the last six months and yes it has changed the way I do things

Yes Catherine, I need to do that as well. 5-6 hours I wish I had, but at least 2-3 and keep getting better!

Amazing results. Bravo!!!

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