What Is The Key To Success In Business?

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I've been thinking about my time in business and all the lessons that I've learnt, but there's one that constantly comes to mind and one that I cherish and I'm truly grateful for; because it's taught me so much over the last 3 years, especially in the last 18 months when things got really tough.

I needed to do this one thing in order to get where I am today and that is persevere.

It's a beautiful word with a lot of meaning behind it, people always say that persevering is continuing along the journey & not giving up (sounds about right) but sometimes perseverance Is giving up!

If you are in business for 6 to 12-months and that business is definitely not showing signs of being viable; it actually Is your opportunity to change the direction of your business.

This is the most ideal time to focus on something that add value to people's lives but also gives you the opportunity to share your skills, talents and gifts with your potential audience whilst generating an income.

Somewhere in that process, as one door closes another will open and that in itself is the hidden 'gift' of perseverance.

The biggest hinderence to your success, is believing the myth that perseverance means to continue along the journey and never alter the process no matter what (to beat a dead horse). Altering the process does not mean that you didn't believe in your own plan or potential success, it just means that in order to believe in your plan the plan has to make sense for all involved.


Perseverance means sticking with the plan and adjusting the process until all elements fall neatly into place.

Any thoughts?


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Hi Marie - Thanks for sharing! Perseverance is very important with anything you do in life whether it be business, personal relationships, or anything else. Being in the U.S. Marine Corps for 21 years taught me that we should always IMPROVISE, ADAPT, AND OVERCOME! In my opinion, that pretty much summarizes what you're saying. Thanks for posting and have a wonderful day!


Spot on Perry!

Thank you! Ps, interesting to know of your background. We truly are a melting pot of so much life experience here.

Persevere is one of the primary words I use in many of my blogs, Marie! I'm right with you!


Thanks Jeff!
Perseverance is the name of the game, its how you do it that sets you apart.

Be careful before abandoning your original path. First check traffic growth with Google Analytics. If you see steady growth then please continue. If you see no growth, then look at how you are using SEO. You must find out the reason why you are stuck before you change direction. You could get stuck again. Don't guess what the solution must be.

If you truly have lost interest in your website or niche then you will mot do what is necessary to succeed and changing direction may be the only way.

You can do this. I wish you all the best in the world.


Hi Edwin,
abandon is definitely not my advice here (I hope it didn't come across that way).

I think it's best to implement, test, adjust and repeat the steps until you find a cohesive fit.
Thanks for the advice!

Great post I really like the way you think
Others can and will prosper from your motivation and knowledge
I for one have and know I will continue to experience both
Thank you

Appreciated Tim!

I think learning from didn't experiences is so important. When I applied the formula of implement test, adjust repeat my business took off almost immediately.

Have a great day ☺️

It really depends on the vision, then there is the money part. Small business stats are all filled with business failure as the higher statistic than success.

However, when you probe further. The reasons are because of cashflow. Business quit because they ran out of cash. Not because it was a bad idea or no customers.

You need to sustain long enough to get past the tipping point, we call it break-even. Most people underestimate how long it takes to get past the tipping point.

The investment community is also to blame as they set unreasonable expectations as to what it takes to start a business, fund it and work on it till it goes past the tipping point.

May of the people who came up with these numbers are not entrepreneurs and have not started or run their own business before.

To your success!

Or they fail for having too many long overdue accounts receivable, Stanley! Simply put--more non-paying customers than paying customers!


Yes, that affects cashflow too!

Hi Stanley,

Yes there are so many reasons. Being financially viable is definitely an important area to look at at all stages of your business journey as times, interest and economy changes over time.

Thanks for the feedback

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