My Blog Generated 2 Sales In Only 2 Months Online 60$ Commissions!
Hello Everyone,
NOTHING beats the smell of commissions!
March 15, I woke up to find out that I made my first sale, earning a commission of 30$. I was shocked. My website is only 2 months old with only 14 blog posts, and to be honest, I neglected it a bit for the past couple of weeks mainly because of the high levels of negativity and lack of concentration caused by the Coronavirus epidemic.
I thought it was beginner's luck until today, March 18. Another sale for the same product generated by the same blog post. So 60$ Commissions in total :)
After a little bit of analysis, it was clear to me that the traffic came from Bing, who, by the way, is very "new websites" friendly. I have MANY PAGE 1 keyword rankings for that post ON BING. The very promising thing is that the 2 sales were only generated from 27 clicks, which is a 7.4% conversion ratio.
I can't wait for Google to get my blog out of the sandbox as the volume of searches for my niche on Google is 4 times that of Bing.
To conclude, many are super stressed due to the epidemic, and concentration is at an all-time low, there is always room for positivity and success.
Thank you all for reading & Stay Safe!
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Hi Nikki,
One tip: follow the WA training to the letter and read blogs of veteran members here. Can't stress enough on that.
I wish you the best of luck!
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Great stuff, very interesting post. I am happy for you because most of the time we don't see things that way, but that's how it is, Negative people give us negative advice Positive people build us up, motivate, and encourage us.
All of the best to you on your journey.
May you continue to have success with your business.
Have a Great day!
Hi Jerry,
It is always hard to find opportunity in chaos, but when we do, the results will be to our benefit.
Thanks :)