About MLipkens
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112 followers Joined July 2016
I'm Mariana from Brazil and Spain, mom of 3 lovely kids, and wife of a big best friend, Lars, from Belgium! We are a really united





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi everybody, I'm trying to login into my wordpress "out" from the WA, direct from the wordpress.org, and since always is no

Did you try to login through yourdoman.com/wp-admin (where yourdomain.com is your domain name)? This should work every single time, on every WP website, no matter what the hosting is.

yes I tried everything possible...

Now I did like u told me, and appear the error 403, its happened since always and the helpers from the WA told that is my computer that has a problem, and now I perceive that definitely is not, cause it's happen from any browser, any machine, in Belgium in Spain an Brazil that is when i asked ppl make some tests, something is wrong or is bad configuration...
Have some weeks ago I made a question here, about this motive, I was thinking that I lose my password when I was trying to login from the wordpress.org, today I perceive that what's happened was this, that I can't login out from here, have something that I can do for to resolve this?
Thanks a million


Well definitely it's not the issue with your computer. Error 403 is shown when your server permissions don’t allow access to a specific page.
To sort this out you might want to try and delete the .htaccess file from root folder on your server (you will need an ftp access to your website, or cpanel access). Find the .htaccess file, download it to your computer and delete the file on the server. Try to log in. If this fixed the 403 error you will have to generate a fresh .htaccess file by logging into your WordPress admin area and going to Settings » Permalinks page. Once inside simply click on "Save changes" and you're done. If that's the case simply ignore the rest of this answer.

Also it MIGHT be related to your Theme. If that's the case removing your current theme files from the server would resolve the problem (it would set the default theme on your site). This has to be done via ftp or cpanel.

If this doesn't fix the issue the problem might be with file permissions in WP.
To fix that simply connect to your WordPress site using an FTP client. Navigate to the root folder containing all your WordPress files.
Click to select a folder, right click and then select File Permissions from the menu (basically every ftp client will give you this option).

All folders on your WordPress site should have a file permission of 744 or 755.
All files on your WordPress site should have a file permission of 644 or 640.
You can set the file permission to the root folder to 744 or 755. Check the box next to ‘Recurse into subdirectories’ and then check the option that says ‘apply to directories only’.
Click on the OK button. Your FTP client will now start setting permissions to all subdirectories in that folder.
Once it is done, you need to repeat the process for all the files. This time use file permission of 644 or 640, select ‘Recurse into subdirectories’ and ‘apply to files only’ options.
Click on the OK button and your FTP client will start setting file permissions for all the selected files.
Try accessing your website now, and 403 forbidden error should be gone now.

Have you contacted our technical support team here?

How I can do it?

You can use this link:


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Problems for login into my wordpress, what can I do?

Problems for login into my wordpress, what can I do?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi everybody, I'm trying to login into my wordpress "out" from the WA, direct from the wordpress.org, and since always is no

Did you try to login through yourdoman.com/wp-admin (where yourdomain.com is your domain name)? This should work every single time, on every WP website, no matter what the hosting is.

yes I tried everything possible...

Now I did like u told me, and appear the error 403, its happened since always and the helpers from the WA told that is my computer that has a problem, and now I perceive that definitely is not, cause it's happen from any browser, any machine, in Belgium in Spain an Brazil that is when i asked ppl make some tests, something is wrong or is bad configuration...
Have some weeks ago I made a question here, about this motive, I was thinking that I lose my password when I was trying to login from the wordpress.org, today I perceive that what's happened was this, that I can't login out from here, have something that I can do for to resolve this?
Thanks a million


Well definitely it's not the issue with your computer. Error 403 is shown when your server permissions don’t allow access to a specific page.
To sort this out you might want to try and delete the .htaccess file from root folder on your server (you will need an ftp access to your website, or cpanel access). Find the .htaccess file, download it to your computer and delete the file on the server. Try to log in. If this fixed the 403 error you will have to generate a fresh .htaccess file by logging into your WordPress admin area and going to Settings » Permalinks page. Once inside simply click on "Save changes" and you're done. If that's the case simply ignore the rest of this answer.

Also it MIGHT be related to your Theme. If that's the case removing your current theme files from the server would resolve the problem (it would set the default theme on your site). This has to be done via ftp or cpanel.

If this doesn't fix the issue the problem might be with file permissions in WP.
To fix that simply connect to your WordPress site using an FTP client. Navigate to the root folder containing all your WordPress files.
Click to select a folder, right click and then select File Permissions from the menu (basically every ftp client will give you this option).

All folders on your WordPress site should have a file permission of 744 or 755.
All files on your WordPress site should have a file permission of 644 or 640.
You can set the file permission to the root folder to 744 or 755. Check the box next to ‘Recurse into subdirectories’ and then check the option that says ‘apply to directories only’.
Click on the OK button. Your FTP client will now start setting permissions to all subdirectories in that folder.
Once it is done, you need to repeat the process for all the files. This time use file permission of 644 or 640, select ‘Recurse into subdirectories’ and ‘apply to files only’ options.
Click on the OK button and your FTP client will start setting file permissions for all the selected files.
Try accessing your website now, and 403 forbidden error should be gone now.

Have you contacted our technical support team here?

How I can do it?

You can use this link:


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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I'm trying to login since always at the page of wordpress.org with my login and I can't, only inside of the WA, I have a friend that is helping me to build my wordpress and he

Use this link below to manually access your WP outside of WA. Change the yourdomainname with your own domain name.


WA does use wordpress.org but technically, we don’t register straight from that website. So, I guess that’s why you can use your login details there.

Like I told, I did it already several times... The problem is not this, the problem is that when I do it, it says that my user or password don't exist, and I put everything extremely correct....

Have you tried resetting the password using the WA Reset Password rather than to manually click on the Lost your password link?

yes I had resettled it to.. still not work :-( I see a lot of people with the same questions and no solving... :-(

The only solution I can give you is to contact the site support.

Now I did like u told me, and appear the error 403, its happened since always and the helpers from the WA told that is my computer that has a problem, and now I perceive that definitely is not, cause it's happen from any browser, any machine, in Belgium in Spain an Brazil that is when i asked ppl make some tests, something is wrong or is bad configuration....

Have some weeks ago I made a question here, about this motive, I was thinking that I lose my password when I was trying to login from the wordpress.org, today I perceive that what's happened was this, that I can't login out from here, have something that I can do for to resolve this?
Thanks a million


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I have problems with my login out from the wa?

I have problems with my login out from the wa?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I'm trying to login since always at the page of wordpress.org with my login and I can't, only inside of the WA, I have a friend that is helping me to build my wordpress and he

Use this link below to manually access your WP outside of WA. Change the yourdomainname with your own domain name.


WA does use wordpress.org but technically, we don’t register straight from that website. So, I guess that’s why you can use your login details there.

Like I told, I did it already several times... The problem is not this, the problem is that when I do it, it says that my user or password don't exist, and I put everything extremely correct....

Have you tried resetting the password using the WA Reset Password rather than to manually click on the Lost your password link?

yes I had resettled it to.. still not work :-( I see a lot of people with the same questions and no solving... :-(

The only solution I can give you is to contact the site support.

Now I did like u told me, and appear the error 403, its happened since always and the helpers from the WA told that is my computer that has a problem, and now I perceive that definitely is not, cause it's happen from any browser, any machine, in Belgium in Spain an Brazil that is when i asked ppl make some tests, something is wrong or is bad configuration....

Have some weeks ago I made a question here, about this motive, I was thinking that I lose my password when I was trying to login from the wordpress.org, today I perceive that what's happened was this, that I can't login out from here, have something that I can do for to resolve this?
Thanks a million


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