Could'ves Would'ves Should'ves


Have you found yourself uttering these words:

I could’ve….
I would’ve …
I should’ve …

Here is my example

I could’ve worked on my website but I was so tired
If I had I would have more traffic
I should have worked on it!

Ugh! I hate it. It is true that I am tired but I need to progress or I will always be doing things that I don’t necessarily want to do, for people I might not want to work for, earning wages that are nor good enough!

As I always do, I started searching the Internet I discovered that these words are called Past Modals verbs (who knew?) which means they are all used hypothetically to talk about things that did not really happen. Words used to describe an imaginary past. HOW TRUE! The past that will never be. So from now I will NOT be using the dreaded words

Could’ve Would’ve Should’ve

Instead I will be using

Can Will Shall

This is what I am saying now:

I can work on my website even though I am so tired
So I will have more traffic

If you have a bad case of the Could’ves Would’ves Should’ves …. Please join me!

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mjpd: Past Modals...who would have thought. I simply hate these newly defined words that I have always hated. I always say, "just do it and let the consequences follow." 9 times out of 10 this works perfectly. DAN

You are so right!

i was a resident of Orange county California a few years ago. it was hot weather all year round. i saved enough money to buy a new air conditioner. it cost me four hundred dollars and it weighed three hundred pounds. i didn't own a pick up truck to transport it back home. i had to carry it myself. that's how i know how heavy it was..

Good for you. Thank you for sharing.

Thank you for coming by.

Good mantra to have .... Can Will Shall I will be adding DO! All the thinking can only get you so far. The action is DO!!!! Kepp on workin'!

I will add that in to mine!

True, we have to move forward and don't give space for regret, I hate when I hear these three words from people.

Yes! Keep on going - looking back will only slow you down. :)

I hate it too!

Thank you for putting my thoughts into words. I will join you from today forward and keep in contact with you evermore.


Thank you!

That is a great reminder. I can will shall.


Nice change.
Can,will,shall- now we're talking :)


I would've to like this post, but rather I shall hit the like button. Thanks Maureen. :-)


Thank you!

Thanks, Ariette, you have touched on a crucial aspect of human nature. I would like to write a blog on this subject, but I don't want to steal your thunder.

Excellent wake up call friend.... May I ask ur name pls?

Thank you, Arlette! Maureen

Nice to know u Maureen...see u around....

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