Remembering 9/11: Honoring the Lives Lost and the Heroes Remembered

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On this solemn day, we remember and pay tribute to the lives lost on September 11, 2001.

I was there, and the company (Marsh McLennan) I worked for lost nearly 358 colleagues who did nothing more than go to work. I think we all can remember worldwide exactly what we were doing at the moment we all learned what had really happened.

On a pleasant late summer day with clear blue skies and a slight crispness in the air...that morning turned horrible, and as the events of that fateful day unwound and shook the very foundations of our nation, leaving an indelible mark on our hearts and history -- our lives worldwide will NEVER be the same!

We remember the heroes who rushed into danger without hesitation, the first responders who sacrificed everything to save others, and the countless individuals whose lives were forever changed.

Our nation displayed remarkable resilience and unity in the face of unimaginable tragedy. We united as one, transcending our differences to support, console, and rebuild.

The spirit of unity and compassion that emerged from the ashes of 9/11 will forever be a testament to the strength of the American people.

As we honor the memory of those we lost, let us also reaffirm our commitment to the values that define our nation: freedom, democracy, and the pursuit of a better future for all.

Let us always remember the lessons of 9/11, the importance of vigilance, and the enduring power of hope.

May the souls of the departed rest in peace, and may their memory inspire us to continue striving for a world filled with love, understanding, and peace. Please always remember those that we lost...and are still losing due to the illnesses that many of the first responders are still dying from.


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Greetings, Mike.

Thanks for creating this post in remembrance of an horrific 9/11 tragedy; one in which we will never forget. Our thoughts go out to the friends and families of all those who lost their lives.

Today, we remember all the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives in order to protect our freedom. We also honor the spirit of resilience that has grown in many of us as a result of this tragedy.

Let us use this day as an opportunity to reflect upon our past events, and take action towards different goals for the future.

Thanks to Wealthy Affiliate for giving us this platform to express our emotions and share in remembrance of all those who were affected by the 9/11 tragedy.

With a renewed sense of hope, we can create a better future for our country and its citizens.

Thank you for this reminder!🎌🌎

You are very welcome, Rachele...thank you for reading my blog post and leaving your comments. Let's hope that we NEVER ever have to write blogs like these again!




You are definitely one of the lucky ones that is still alive to be able tell all of what happened, Mike.

We will never forget. 😞

Myra πŸ’œ

Thank you, Myra!



Wow, Mike!

You were among the lucky ones to still be alive! Someone from up above was looking after you. You should write a book about your experience.

Such a terrible day for all Americans!

I was in a Duncan Donuts when they broke into a regularly scheduled TV program. I just couldn't believe what I was seeing!

Stay Safe & Well! 😎
Frank 🎸

Yes, Frank, I am one of the lucky ones. I was in our mid-town office that day and not in the Twin Towers. However, I did experience the second tower collapse and the fear and terror in all our faces as we tried to make sense of the events and contact our loved ones β€” which was impossible as much of the communications infrastructures on the tower's roofs... So sad. 😞



My mother would have said that God saved you for a reason, which shall be revealed to you.

I'm sure you still count your blessings, Mike. 😎

Frank 🎸

I certainly do, Frank…especially when the grandkids are around!


I will Remember This Day !


Thank you, Tony!



It is really worth remembering.The entire world shall never forget what happened on that day.May the souls of the deceased rest in peace.

I agree, Collins...Thank you for remembering.



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