Emotional Fitness!!!


The only thing you can truly control is " you "
This also a concept that is common in the world of martial arts ,
Tony Robbins : could be considered the founder of the concept of coaching beyond the field of sport and athletics mentions this concepts often in his talks .

I think there is a lot truth behind it , being able to see things for what they are not worse or better than they
are , demands a lot of self awareness . We cant be in control of all the things that are happening around us but we can decide to react to the situations and to life rather than respond to them there is a big difference a response is a passive reaction like if there would be a storm so to say " you " would just run and try to get away from it , a reaction would be more like evaluating the power and the direction of the storm and making the best decision the current circumstances and the time at disposal are allowing to do.

This might sound controversial but as I just read in a book that talks about : the power we have in the now
: "An instant danger situation "
can bring out the best in us because you will either survive or die there is no time to worry to doubt ourself, to be afraid to make a mistake and to ponder the consequences of that mistake .
Planning the future is great but the most efficient way to do it is to live one day at the time making the most of the current circumstances and using that momentum to build on it.

Sometimes having to much time at disposal is the hardest thing , That is one reason why i loved sports
because when you are playing a game you must do your best , it might even be the only opportunity to shine and move forward in your career .
but there is no time to think and to be afraid because you must put all your focus in the game, after the first moments of the game have passed , you forget everything else it is almost as being in a trance for a brief period of time, And if you win the game there is an incredible freeing feeling : of Yes i made it, but it all happens so fast , there is really no time to digest all the information in the moment.
That might be the reason why i always performed best when i had a lot of pressure and expectations on me.

I have also noticed that changing my life goals to Internet marketing and becoming a writer are demanding a different kind of courage and motivational consistency.
As i have never been afraid of physical sports where you live in the daily risk of injuring yourself .I have even practiced some of the extreme sports when i was younger, One reason I loved it was because it gave you the feeling of living in the moment , because they would demand all my focus and all my attention , there is no past or future when you challenge yourself mentally and physically to do some crazy trick .

The career I am in now ,demands a different kind of courage , exposing yourself to the world, and the long wait before you are starting to see the results , there is no instant gratification for what you are doing, you have to deliver quality on many different levels from blogs to articles to constantly adding content to your website and improving in all you do.
And then there is a long period where you just have wait , and if it did not go as planned you will have to revaluate what you are doing and make some changes.
Marketing requires also an increased understanding in the way people are thinking and acting.
I think the mental endurance can be crucial to succeed in this field , even more important that learning all the website building and marketing skills and all the information there is to understand and to apply.

I have seen many talented people fail myself sometimes it happens more often to the talented that to those who are not,

Does this mean that talent is not important or not necessary to make it ??
Talent is very important but it can be reduced to almost useless or counter productive , if its not supported by determination and a total commitment to the results.

We all have talent But we must learn how to use it to our advantage.
I am also considering in creating a motivational mastermind group that would ensure that we stay on track and maintain all our focus and our energy toward our goals , I perceive it to be one the biggest challenges in pursuing online success.

Who needs more motivation on a daily basis !?
How can we help each other to the benefit of all even more ?
Looking forward for your opinions and your feedback!!!

See you at the top !!!


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Recent Comments


Another great post you have brought to us Mike! thank you

You are very welcome!! :)

Great thanks

You are very welcome! :)

This is great, please get back to Thunder, I am having withdrawals!!

Thank you!! will get to that soon :)

You already know how good this blog is. lol Well done.......again! You have started writing your book, right? :~)

Sincerely, Virginia

Aw thanks a lot! :)
Yes I'm finishing a short story and starting on a longer book about (100 pages)


i know we are in a new profession now where success is not instant. Especially for me and many people like me who have never thought that they can create a website ,it's a new achievement in life. I am always grateful for all i have been given----life, others to love, a beautiful world, the many good things in this life. Mike another great blog. Can i say a Guru in making - Mikegg.

My aim is to improve myself daily and be a source of inspiration to all i can , if anyone wants to call me Guru in the future he is free to do that, but the main thing is make a lasting positive impact.
Yes it requires a lot patience its very different from anything i have done before, being grateful while wanting more is a key to reaching for success while being content whit the now :)

Being in the moment. Being in a zone. Action at its fullest! Very important in sports and any endeavor.

No matter how much we plan ahead ,can only live one moment at the time !

I agree! Planning is necessary, but we need to be fluid such that we can adjust and adapt to the changing circumstances.

Yes very true its important to find a balance between planning and being able to adapt to changes when things are not going like "you " planned

Love it!

Great, Thanks for commenting!!

Again and Again...You keep doing it!

Love this blog very much!

Yes! I will see you at the top!

Great !! Im glad this resonates whit you :)
See you at the top where the view is perfect !

Come to WA daily c the blogs or chat or go to training. you will b emotionally ,mentally and physically fit.

Yes that is a great way to get motivated i agree but we can never be too motivated!!! :)

Hi Mike, I like your ideas here as well as your questions. I have a few reactions that I would like to share. Please think of them as coming from someone who cares about you and wants for you exactly what you want for yourself.
A writer must edit his writing before he publishes it. It is not like wordpress where you can publish, look at, edit, re-edit, and finally be done. You get one chance and one chance only, to reach your readers. Reading your material, out loud as often as needed, will put your article where you can catch the flaws and then revise, read aloud, revise, and revise. This is the way people learn to write unless they have a teacher who corrects their written work (mostly in high school.)
This is what I have just done as I commented here. And I have been a teacher/writer for decades, yet it is too easy to make a mistake and have it be overlooked.
Congratulations on masterminding: Napoleon Hill certainly mastered that: his imaginary historical participants developed a life of their own.
You have brought up many topics that attract my interest, and I'm sure that with a little spit and polish, your online readers will want to "talk" to you,too.

Hi Shields , Thank you for your feedback it is greatly appreciated.
Writing is one of the the things i will be practicing daily until i have mastered it, and i know that it also takes a lot of polishing and re-reading the material , to get it right.
I have improved a lot already and continue to do that before i will publish on my own website , which is why this kind of advice is so valuable because it helps to get clear on what areas in my writing i have improved , and what areas require more work and practice :)

Looking forward to build my own mastermind group in the near future its a goal i always had and i think it can benefit all the participants !

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