2 Months In, Is it worth it?


I have been a premium member now just a little over 2 months here at WA. A couple of weeks ago, I started getting a little discouraged because I had been working as much as I could to get my website up and running. Now keep in mind, I still have a full time job and a family, so of course both of those come first, since I am not making enough money with online marketing. Ya I said it, enough money.

A Little Over a Week Ago

Kyle sent me an email saying I was coming up on 2 months of being a member here. Didn't even realize it had been that long. That email couldn't have come at a better time. I was starting to feel pretty discourage since nothing was happening with my website. No traffic, no clicks, and especially no money. I had been doing everything the training told me to do, and still nothing.

In the email, Kyle mentioned about how to work on getting more traffic. It was a pretty lengthy email, but at that point and time, it came as a little boost in my confidence. Out of the entire email, the main thing that I kept seeing was, 3 months is usually the breaking point for a website.

So instead of giving up, I decided to write a few more blogs. Now keep in mind I still do not have a lot of content on my website as I can only write on average 1 to 2 blogs a week, but if the breaking point was just around the corner, why not hold out and see what happens.

The Exciting Part

Back to my headline, is it still worth it? What I mean is, is all the hard work that you have to put in and following the training given here at WA worth it in the long run. I absolutely believe it is. I can finally say I have hit one of my first goals I set here at WA. That goal was to make a sale.

Am I glad I stuck around just a little longer? You can bet I am. Just this past weekend, over Father's Day, I made my first sale through my website. Did I make a fortune, absolutely not. I only made a whole whopping $1.74 Even tho it is nothing compared to what some are making here, that is a start.

Keep in mind when I started this journey just a little over 2 months now, I had no experience in online marketing. I started with the free trial, went through the first phase of the training, went premium, continued on with the training, and am now still on Course 5. I continue to do whatever I can whenever I can. Even if the only time I have is to give a comment, then I do it. If I have time to write a blog, then I do it. Persistence and dedication is a very big part of this business.

To All You New Folks Out There

Since I have made a sale now through my website, I guess you can say that I am hooked. I have not been able to write any blog's since that day, but I will continue to plug along whenever I get a chance to.

If you have just joined into this wonderful community of like minded individuals, then you made a great choice. If it wasn't for all these great people here, I would have never made my first sale. I would have given up a couple of weeks ago. Getting that email from Kyle was a blessing from the Lord, because I would love to be able to hit a long term goal of mine.

If you are thinking about giving up, just give it a few more weeks before you do. Keep plugging along, and just maybe you will hit your breakthrough moment like I did. When I logged onto my Amazon account and seen I had a few clicks and 1 order, I couldn't believe what I was reading. Once it showed I have made some revenue, words can not describe how excited I was for making that sale. That told me that anything is possible if you set your mind to it.

Good luck to any and all of you with your continued progress, and if this post encourages you to keep plugging along, then I hope you get your breakthrough moment just like me.

God Bless You All


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Recent Comments


Your best is yet to come. Keep going and never give up.

You will do well. This is a great course

Thank you and could not agree more with you. If I would have never found WA, I would never think my dreams could come true. Now that I am here, I know that it is possible to make those dreams come a reality.

Thank you for your inspiration! I needed to read this tonight!

You are very welcome. The way I look at it is that if I feel this way or was thinking of quitting, then I am sure that somebody else is feeling the same way. If I can encourage just one person to keep fighting for there dream like I am, just maybe they can reach there dreams as well. Good luck to you Bailey.

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